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Bear hunting question


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Well last week my wife mentioned I should get a bear rug for the basement. I about died..she pretty much hates all my mounts. So anyway, I decided I would try to reseach/plan/save up for a hunt hopefully in northern MN. I'm from Webster, SD. I did look up some outfitters etc. I am wondering if any of you local folks could give me some testimonials or advice who to contact or who to stay away from etc. I would like a chance to should a good quality sized bear (doesn't have to be record book but no babe either), I would also like to enjoy the camp, scenery, and get to know good people. Any advice? Thank you!

ps..I'm not a super wealthy person (teacher in SD) so money is an issue but I'll be saving etc. Just looking for an affordable, good experience.

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verg - if you want, email me and i can pass along as much good info as i can. i'm sure it's early on in your search, but there are a lot of things you are going to want to ask if you start looking for guides. I don't claim to be an expert by any means but i am always happy to help a fellow fm'er.

[email protected]

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