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Brand new Muzzy- What did you guys do ?

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Im brand new to this and Im getting conflicting info on what im to do about getting my new Impact Ready to Shoot- I got all the Lubes and oils From FF when I bought the gun but now what- Am I supposed to Lube the Barrel and Breech plug First before I take it to the Range for the First time ? The manual says the Barrel is supposed to be dry and free of any grease but then two pages later it says use the T17 lube before you shoot it ? Please Help.

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I have just a minute here as I am heading out for an afternoon hunt, so if I miss a step, I am sure someone will catch it. Here is what I do, new gun or not, before heading to the range.

1) run as many patches through the barrel as necessary to get any 'grease' out of it. patches should be perfectly clean when you're there. (shouldn't be any grease after you clean up your new gun, ever again. don't use grease or oil in a muzzy barrel.)

2) get some bore butter, put about a silver dollar size on a patch, not too thick but just be sure the patch is covered.

3) run that down the barrel, this coats to protect and also to make loading much more easy

4) take out the breech plug, clean it with a rag or patch. use your breech cleaning brush to clean the breech threads in the barrel. apply liberal amount of T17 breech plug grease to the threads on the plug. install the breach plug.

Now go to the range. Do not load the powder and shot, but DO load a primer. aim down range and fire the primer. This cleans out the breach plug in case there is any dirt or fiber in it.

Load your powder and bullet. Run it down the barrel with the ram rod until it is snug in as far as you can press it. I have seen guys bounce the ram rod but to me that would break up the powder pellet, so just press down firmly.

Load a primer and fire at your target.

I take two shots and then clean the barrel with water, or this time of year, wind shield washer fluid that doesn't freeze. run some dry patches, then run a patch with bore butter again. Reload and fire two more shots.

When I leave for hunting, I have a clean barrel with a thin layer of bore butter inside, and I fire a primer and then load up for a shot. I am a fan of one piece of electrical tape over the barrel to keep out snow, rain, crud, etc.

Have fun, be safe.

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Thanks guys for taking the time to help a new guy get started and FF thanks for your time when your trying to get out the door. Very nice of both of you. I hunt a little private land in the Pine City area but I fell in love with the White water area as a kid and I really want to do some exploring down there when there is a little less pressure and I cant wait.


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petty much the same thing here, but i use break cleaner instead of carb cleaner, break cleaner cleans then evaporates. Storing after season I break it down get a pail of wrm soapy water stick thebearrel in the pail but dont submerge it an run your bore brush down the barrel an into the water pulling up soapywater into the bearrel with each stroke, do that a dozen times then patch it til it comes lean, a good patch of boar butter down the barrel. I then take the break cleaner an srpay the trigger assembly an let it evaporate then add a drop or two of oil to the spring. The break cleaner also displaces any water that might found its way intot eh triger compnenets. Slap it it back toether, I tehn take a can of compressed air an blow out the breech plug of any boar cleaner or debris, put a coating of gorrila grease on the thereads for anti sieze, do this evertime you take the breach plug, youll find out why if you dont, its an anti siezeing agent. God luck. These things are why I do an maybe not for everyone. Just my 2 cents

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One trick I was taught and like very much is to take some patches, toss them into a ziploc bag, and take a spoon full or two of bore butter and seal it all in the bag a put in the microwave for 15-30 seconds, then mash them around to spread the the bore butter into the patches... it soaks in nice, giving you great coverage, without being to much... works great for me... otherwise same basic steps. I usually run 2 or 3 primers threw before loading... usually the second or third one i hear a nice "hollowed" crack... meaning its clear into the barrel/bore...

Good luck and have fun, took my first deer with my smoke stick this afternoon! I have had the gun for 8 years... Havn't had it out for 4 or five years... Was kind of nice!

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Thats a cool trick, Im gonna do that, can do a whole bag of patches an have them ready for cleaning anytime, great tip, that boar butter is a little pain to get spead n the patch evenly. Congrates on the fisrt smoke pole deer,Gota luve muzzy hunting. One ting I forgot to mention with the breech plug is to soak it in bore cleaner for awhile the brush the therad an bowle then air out the pin hole.

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