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My Ripley hunt........


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Well the 2012 Deployed Soldier hunt at Ripley is here and gone, and although I didn't bring home the monster, it wasn't because I didn't see him.

Tuesday we went downrange to hang our stands and do some prehunt scouting. We already had a very good idea of where we were going to setup (same place as last year), one of my buddies was making his first hunt with us and wanted to scout a bit. Found him a spot, hung the stands and we were out of there. Had our annual dinner with the Disabled Vets that night back at the hangar and a good time was had by all. Once again Bud Grant was on hand and briefly spoke. Great man, and even better speaker.

Wednesday morning came and the hunt was on! Wasn't a bad morning, no bucks spotted however. Saw 5 deer, included was a button buck that decided he wanted to hang out with my. Came right up to my stand, licked the legs and then spent an hour eating acorns. He eventually fed off and I climbed out of the stand to head back to the check point for the bow giveaway and lunch. We went out and hung another stand for my buddy a couple hundred yards to the north of my stand where I saw some does crossing in the morning. Plan was for him to sit that stand in the morning and maybe pop a doe for table meat. Climbed back in the stand around 1 and the rest of the afternoon was slow. My button buck came back, ate acorns and tehn took a nap for an hour or so 10 yards from my stand. Deer were moving and there were a number of does shot, and one guy had a big 9 pointer with split brows run off into the impact area never to be found.

Thursday morning was a bit on the breezy side! Temps started dropping from the minute we got in the stand, and I figured it was going to be a good day. Fingers were crossed. Things did not start to well for my buddy that we had hung the stand for the day prior. Seems the tacks that he put in the tree turned out to NOT be reflecteive and he couldn't find his stand. He sat down and waited for daylight to find his stand. 7:15 comes and as he is walking towards his stand, a very very nice 8 pointer comes trotting towards him. He put the rage in the cage and the buck went down. Sent him a test that I would come help track and drag, but first mother nature was calling. Wouldn't you know while handling my business, two bucks came walking past me about 20 yards. Luckily they were only a spike and small 6 pointer. Went and helped my buddy take care of his deer and by the time we were done, it was almost lunch time. I should add, it ddin't take that long to track and gut the buck, but they were filming ahunting show and wanted interviews and footage. Was trying to figure out where I wanted to hunt the afternoon and was thinking about a move, but had been seeing way too many deer in that area to leave it. Pulled out my climber and headed back into the woods where my buddy had just shot his buck. Ended up going a tad deeper into the woods, not much, and the afternoon hunt was on. 4 oclock rolled around and I had a nice mature doe come walking through at 38 yards. She came in from a weird angle and I oly had a small window/lane to get my shot off. Needless to say the Carbon Express made quite the THWACK when it connected with the tree that was right over her back. She bounded away unhurt and happy. I however was miffed that I just blew that shot. Would have been my first deer with my bow, so I was letdown. That's hunting. Climbed down to get my arrow and make sure I didn't hit her and then back up my tree. All was quite until about 445, when I saw movement coming about 200 yards away in the trees. I could make out that it was a buck and as he came trotting closer, he got bigger and bigger. Very nice tall and wide 10 pointer, easily a 150 inch deer. He was moving with a purpose, so when he got to the trees I had marked, I got him to stop and let the arrow fly. He jumped and then bounded away with his tail down. I'm thinking to myself that it was a good sign, but didn't see him hump up when I shot and he didn't seem to be hurt. Waited for about 10 minutes and then got down and went to see if I could find blood. (I would usually wait longer, but the wind was blowing the leaves around so badly that I didn't want to have any blood covered leaves get covered up or blown away). Much to my disappointment I found nothing to indicate that I hit him. Looked for a good half hour, but came up with nothing.

Thats where my hunt ended. Not sure the number of deer that were taken but I want to say somewhere in the 22 range for 92 soldiers hunting. My buddies buck was the biggest that I know of. I cant thank the volunteers enought that did all the work putting this hunt on and feeding us. Patriot Guard, American Legion, Bimert Outdoors in Pillager for setting up the bows they gave away. Nothing but pure class out of these people and I can't wait to do it again next year.

I have pictures, but the site was timing out when uploading them. I will try and load them again in a while.

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Bret, hopefully next year will be your year for the big one. I was very impressed with the number of deer seem this year by hunters accounts. As well as a 23%+/- success. Last I heard it was 21 deer with one soldier coming back Friday morning to look for a nice buck he shot thursday, John m., the hunter and myself couldn't find it thursday after 2 hours. we think we my have pushed it, it appeared to be a one lung hit, pink and bubbly blood trail. I hope he found it.

All of you soldiers shock me every year with your gratitude, I have never been thanked more doing anything! You soldiers deserve ALL of the thanks, you all are why we volunteer, it is our little way of saying THANK YOU!

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Beautiful buck. You definitely made some points with Bud wearing all that Gopher apparel.

Thanks for sharing your hunt at Ripley and thanks for your service to our country. Hunts like this are a great way to remind us all that our service men and women have done for our country and continue to do.

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