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Any thoughts on this bow?

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Seriously considering buying a new Bear Encounter. Held one last night and really felt good in my hands. Been quite a few years since I bow hunted and I want to get back in to it. I am not willing to go high price and this bow is about in my cash range. Just wondering if anyone has any positive or negative thoughts on this bow. Thanks. BC

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Mathews-Mission Craze is a good one 30lb-70lbs 24-30" draw and its all in one. $300 brand new... very nice shooting bow and haven't heard anything negative yet. Cant beat the price tag really plus lifetime limb and riser warranty

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Thank you for all the response's. Did not know Matthews made a RTH at that price. Definetly will look into that. Just spoke to a friend yesterday whose son has a BowTech that's a 2007 and all set to rock for four bills. New string last year. He thinks it's a TomKat. Going to keep all my options open and yes, I will pick what "feels" right in my hands. Thanks again fellas. BC

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