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Urban hunts?

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Hey all! I'm new to the forum, but i looked around and the content all look good! i have a question maybe you all could give me some advice/input on.

Basically, I primarily bowhunt and i also travel for work a lot between the twin cities and superior, wisconsin. i have hunted in area 601 the past few years, but on small parcels with average success.

i See that superior and duluth both have urban deer hunts. Would it be worth the effort to look into these two hunts? i would have 3-4 afternoons a week up north to hunt; and being self employed i can set my own schedule.

has anyone had success in these hunts,(i couldn't find much info or Photos online about them) or are the mediocre like the success i've had in the twin cities?

Thanks for the Help! PM me if you want to!

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I cant offer any info about that area, but i have done "city hunts" before. Last year I shot two deer in a City hunt first was a doe second was below...... Theres a lot of deer in the city, i had just like you 2-4 days a week to hunt mainly mornings. It kind of depends where you get placed in the city some public land can be crappy, but if you get a private land owners permision you can wack'em all day long smile


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Lots of nice deer come out of the Duluth area every year, I would give them a serious look. I know less about the Superior hunts but it is worth looking into. I think the Duluth city hunts are fairly structured so be sure to get as much into as possible. I want to say you are limited to one area and need to shoot a doe first but I could be wrong. Hopefully someone who has hunted there before can chime in.

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I have hunted Duluth every year, the first few years it was a blast.

Last year I did not shot my required doe until Oct 29th, and it was not for a lack of effort.

The other issue is the group running it has overloaded the hunt with bowhunters (and I use the word loosely) I think they had about 380 hunters last year.

In previous years a lower hunter count had a higher success ratio.

The deadlines are coming soon, search Arrowhead Bow Hunters Alliance.

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