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Insurance and firearms

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Just a friendly reminder, I recently had a customer who had a house fire and his Benelli SBE was destroyed, this was just one of many firearms he owned. He found out the hard way that most homeowners insurance covers only $1000 in firearms, he couldn't replace his gun without significant money out of pocket, which is short after a fire. You should have a rider to protect your guns from what could happen, moisture and rusting, fire, being dropped and broken, theft, the list goes on, and a rider is pretty cheap, mine is less than a couple boxes of ammo a year. Also, an appraisal and pictures stored somewhere secure is easy piece of mind when insuring these investments.

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I have always had the guns scheduled on a special rider along with my guitars and the wifes wedding ring. Not that much money in premium. Just get your guns on a list with serial numbers, go see your friendly agent and they will be glad to do it.


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I have quite a few weapons and have each listed seperate with my insurance company in a rider.

I also have the serial numbers included and have a group of photo's listed in the computer and a card.

One never knows what might happen and one needs to have all your ducks in a row.

if you are not sure exactly what you need with your insurance company, I would call your agent.

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Hey Bob, thanks for looking out. I always thought about a fire-rated safe as about the only thing that could be done to protect the investment. So, thanks again for the knowledge.

Niece & Nephew lost their house this Feb. fire rated safe and the guns were all toast. Fire burned for over 6 hours and safes are not rated for that amount of time. Insurance covered everything, they are just about done with the new house.

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