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Online for old ammo

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Has anybody here ever gone online for ammunition much?

I have a 30-40 Krag that my son has been using for deer hunting, and the ammo is dwindling down for the old girl. I found some the other day and about had a stroke at the store price. I checked cheaper than (soil-youknowwhat) and they had 1 company that made them as a reload at a reasonable price.

#1 - The company was called Bitterroot Valley Ammunition, does anybody have any experience

#2 - I have heard of the HSOforum, any one have much experience there

#3 - Should I be scared to use reload ammo for deer hunting



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I have read reviews that BVA ammo is suspect at best. I will state that I do not trust everything I read as far as reviews go. It looks like your experiences have been good with this ammo, Archerysniper. That's good. BVA carries some ammo I'd like to purchase. 30-40 Krag is a caliber I'd like to get. One of my relatives has a WWII vintage rifle in this caliber.

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Archerysniper, I have checked a number of stores. I have found this caliber, but always at $37 per box or more. I cringe at the thought of a 15 year old taking target practice at $2/shot until he can handle my 30-06 (I am taking the Krag back then!!)

Bigrock, it is kind of a nice caliber. Mine is a model 1898. My great uncle got it when he got out of WW1 in 1918. The local American Legions also sold them around that time, pretty cheap from what I understand.

My dad bought a box of 30-40 ammo in the late 40's from the local legion hall. I still have the empty box. Price: $1.35.


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I think you can buy low recoil .30-06 ammo for less than $30/ box. I know Hornady makes some actual-factual low recoil stuff. Or, if you just look for a really light bullet weight, that would be lower recoil also.

And maybe your son can handle more recoil than you think...

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