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Encasing a lure in something


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If you wanted to encase a favorite lure in acrylic (or similar clear substitute) as a decoration, how would you go about doing it? I want to have full coverage around it, not just a little glass case, that won't work for what I want it for.

I'm guessing encasing it in epoxy wouldn't work well - the epoxy could be harsh on the lure's finish.

Whatever I would use, I'd like to be able to shape & polish to have it nice & clear.

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Use Devon II 2 ton epoxy. Take the hooks off and use a wire in the front and rear eyes to elevate and support your work.
Brush it on then turn it till it cures. Its very important to turn the lure to keep the epoxy from sagging.
All the brush Stokes will smooth out.
I use a battery powered rotisserie motor I converted to a rod and lure turner.

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Will that allow me to create a "block" around the lure? Like a clear brick? That's what I'm looking for, not something I will ever use again in the water.

Sorry if I wasn't clear about that before.

Thanks for any advice.

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You certainly don't want to use an epoxy. With exposure to UV, epoxies will darken, turning more and more amber and becoming more and more brittle.

I believe those blocks are made of an acrylate. Which one and where available, I'm not sure.


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They are acrylic.........You will have to find an injection molding shop.........And to do "custom" work will be very spendy...........very spendy.........

If you are still interested, I can find you a couple of shops I used to work with........But again, we are talking hundreds of dollars here..........

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I remember back in shop class in school we encased whatever item we wanted (coin, marble, what have you) in a clear acrylic material. We poured it into a cup then placed the item in and filled it to the desired height we wanted. Let it set up and peel the cup away and buff the sides. Never darkened and that was 15 years ago. Maybe ask around a school shop to get the mixture info. Can't cost too much as we had a lot of kids making them. Good luck and let us know what you find out.

[This message has been edited by FISHER ED (edited 08-20-2004).]

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Ahh yes, I was thinking you wanted a clear coat. Yep I remember the paper weights in shop class made from acrylic.

BTW some of the high end custom lure makers use Devcon II 2 ton epoxy for the non-yellowing quality it has along with being a very hard and durable top coat and the way it makes a paint job Pop.

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Surface Tension,

One of Devcon's 2 ton epoxy main constituents is diglycidyl ether bisphenyl A. Epoxies containing this yellow over time with exposure to UV. You can load them up with UV inhibitors to extend the length of time, but they still will yellow.


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A coin.......yes........fairly easy.......

However, I picturing a lure, such as an old rapala.........With all the "bends, curves, pockets, whatnot"..........how are you going to get all the airpockets out?

Also, how are you going to get it "balanced and centered"????

It would almost have to be a 2 stage process.

The first process is where you fill half way, and one the acrylic starts to set a bit and the viscosity gets a little thicker, lay the lure in it. You would almost have to use light, clear mono on the front and back of the lure to keep it straight and level. These lines would have to extend past the "case" to keep tension. The acrylic will "hide" the strings if you use clear mono.......Flourocarbon comes to mind.........

Once it is "set", then you would want to pour the rest of the acrylic over the top......

The only problem with all of this.........is that it is a one time deal..........no going back........flip of the coin....for it will either work or it won't............no inbetweens and no stopping mid-process.............

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