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T- Mobile and the Iphone

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Depends on which rumor site you want to believe. Some say it'll be available on T-mobile as well as Verizon. Plenty of unlocked iPhones being used on T-mobile network right now. Easy to do but some of the iPhone features may not work.

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Their hasn't been any verification of that PierBridge, although it still is likely true. Unlocked iPhones is a touchy subject. Unlike other manufacturers who don't care if you unlock your phone, Apple goes out of it's way to brick (as in lock it up completely) any unlocked phones with it's updates.

With the iPhone I'd wait a month to hear details of it's next gen phone (people say it's the iPhone 4g but that would imply it's 4g capable, which it won't be. The more likely name is iPhone HD). The 3GS is really outdated when compared to recent offerings from other companies (thus the new model), so buying one right now is downright stupid.

I do find it hard to believe that Apple will be able to keep up in the phone market though. This new model will likely only be on par with current offerings (so the update will probably be a higher resolution display and camera (with a flash), and possible HDMI output (after buying an Apple proprietary connector of course). The silicon has unidentified markings, but I doubt it'll be able to compete with a Snapdragon (used in most new Android phones). So basically I'd expect the new iPhone to be lagging a bit behind the Droid Incredible/Evo 4g in terms of performance. There are also reports that Android 2.2 is much faster (as in up to 450% faster) than the current Android 2.1

And to further complicate the smartphone market down the road, Intel will be throwing it's hat in the ring soon (not with it's own phone but with smartphone cpu's). Basically Intel is bringing x86 (the same instructions your laptop/pc use) to smartphones. Currently all smartphones are based off the ARM architecture, which is an entirely different beast. If any phones/mobile OS developers decide to use Intel's CPU, they could make your phone practically a handheld PC.

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Basically Intel is bringing x86 (the same instructions your laptop/pc use) to smartphones.

That would be sweet. Lots on memories with the x86 evolution. I wonder if they will call them like the old computer systems, eg HTC 286, Motorlola 386, Samsung 486.

Then next year they will "release" the "Pentium" phone !!! Wow shocked !!!

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Why would you want an iphone now anyways? Just because they are "cool"?

The Android phones are what is hot now, open source, open market (at least much more open than the appstore)

Also, Jobs is a freakin Nazi about what can be put on these phones.

Go Android and you'll never look back.

(BTW if you REALLY wanted an iphone on Tmobile, you just need to get an iphone and then Jailbreak it.)

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Why would you want an iphone now anyways? Just because they are "cool"?

People like the integration and ease of use of the iPhone. The benefit of it being restricted/closed is that it all works well together. Good for some people, not for others.

Yes there are alot of [PoorWordUsage] that follow the masses and got one, but alot of people don't want anything overly complex, they just want it to work. There's a reason they have sold a billion of them.

I don't view it as good or bad, just an option. Like most things in life, its what you want out of it.

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