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Fishing Opener?

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HI PHYL, I plan on fishing some time during opener if the weather cooperates. I've always had more luck the weekend after opener, but I like the excitement of opener. Good Luck Hope you Catch a Big one.

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Hi Mary! Our weather here is not looking real good for the opener either but then you never know. Haven't heard from you for awhile - thought maybe you took up golf. grin.gif


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Golf now thats funny, tryed it once and don't plan on doing it again. So far we have spent 13 days up at the camper getting every thing ready for the year. Going up again this weekend of course. Went out fishing one day from shore and caught a lot of fish. Anything big enough to keep we couldn't keep yet. It was a lot of fun after the long winter of no fishing. I try to check in at least once a day. Good Luck this weekend lets hope the weather cooperates.

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Well, after watching the weather report for this weekend I am thinking fishing in the hot tub is looking really good. The only good thing is I did manage to get the yard mowed before it starts raining - that is so that I can mow it again when it quits raining. Hope the weatherman is wrong and wish you the best of fishing. grin.gif


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Well we didn't fish during opener, but I have fished some since then. My middle daughter came up one day and fished with me. She caught just guessing about a 3lb Walleye. I caught one also smaller then hers. She had a bigger one on but broke the line before she got it landed. I took pictures I'll have to try and post them after I get them developed. I've been spending a lot of time up at our camper. Every morning and evening I go out and cast off the dock. I've been catching a lot of small Northrens and Bass. I seen a school of Perch one day so I went and got my ultra light with a slipp bobber and tryed to catch some, but all I'd catch was Northren and a darn Bullhead.

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Well, we have not made it out yet! It was so miserably wet and cold we skipped opening weekend. Then this Sat. it started pouring so we went to a horse sale. (Of course we found a horse to buy.) Then Sunday they kept saying 60% chance of thunderstorms and it would get really cold and windy and then clear up so we cleaned the barn instead. So hopefully this weekend will be better.


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