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Here Fishy Fishy!

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Went over to Pelican today and did not get one single bite! Man it is hard to eat grilled cheese sandwiches on a Sunday night instead of fish! I think we had our hopes way too high after last Sunday. Oh well, hopefully there are a couple of weekends left before the snow comes. How are the rest of you doing?


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hey we're doing pretty well, we just got back in business last weekend. We went out on Big Marine a few times and they are starting to bite again. We're heading to the river Fri. so I'm counting on a fish dinner. It sure feels good to be back on the lake!!!!

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Well, we had trees to cut down last weekend so we did not get out. This weekend we have a party Friday night and the Cher concert Saturday. So if we have any energy left and it is nice out we might try it on Sunday. Hope the little buggers are biting.


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I was up to the Lake for 2 weeks straight. When the weather cooperated we caught fish. The White Bass were bitting and we could catch them to our hearts were content. It was a lot of fun and my luck changed I out fished the hubby. Caught a lot of little Walleye's couldn't seem to find the big ones. We have 2 weekends left before we close up the camper for the winter and bring the boat home. This summer sure went by fast.
How was the Cher concert Phyl? Riverdancer how was the FM outing? The 50th B-Day party turned out great hubby was very happy.


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Hi Mary: We went out again last weekend with the same results - one northern just as we were hauling in the lines to quit! Nobody else was catching either and it was freezing out there. I envy you - two weeks at the lake would be like heaven.

As for Cher - she was awesome!!!!! We do not like rock, so could have done without Cindi Lauper but the Cher show was definitely an extravaganza. She even had a mechanical elephant (life size) that she rode out on, dancers swinging from ropes, and rings and the costumes were something else. Then they showed pictures of her in the '60s and now and she looks the same if not better - I hate her!

But the highlight of the concert for my husband was when he went to the men's bathroom. The men were lined up at the urinals and the women had taken over and were lined up 5' away from them for the stalls! One guy said it took him a long time to get the business done! My husband is still talking about it. I'll bet if you asked him how the concert was the first thing he would tell you was about the men's bathroom! grin.gif


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Hi Mary
The FM outing was fantastic. We were on the boat with only 6 to start out but then a couple whose launch was cancelled earlier asked if they could join us to. We caught 8 slot fish with another 29 I think. We had never done that before and it exceeded our expectations. Great food, Great people and great fishing. Marge couldn't figure out how the only way we knew about each other was a web site. Hope she visits here soon. I would highly recomend it.


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Riverdancer, It sounded like it would be a lot of fun. I hope next year we can come to it also. Maybe even Phyl will come. It would be great to meet some of these people. It would be a bonus to catch some big Walleyes for a change. We might have to tell Phyl's hubby we will stand in the mens john with him if he comes. grin.gif


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CHer, "hanging out in the men's room" what have I been missing???

It is truly amazing what this HSOforum has and can do. I have met and established several friendships, simply from this site!!

Well LAdies!

Keep the rods bendin'!!!

Jim W

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Hey wait a minute - did I say it was Cher? There were a lot of - shall I say weirdos - there dressed like her but they could not compare to her. My husband is still talking about the call of nature at the Cher concert. I think he needs to get out more! Yes, a trip on the lake would be fun - especially if we actually caught some fish.


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Jim W,
Did you and your wife go on the FM launch? I wanted to go so bad. Next time I hope we can make it. I think I read some thing about one next spring.


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Congradulations Jim and wife. When is the baby due? I hope its the 28th thats my B-Day. On August 5th we had our 12th Grandchild. So you know what I'm busy doing when I'm not up at the Lake fishing.


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My wife, son and I were up near Park Rapids fishing during the event. Hard to come up with over night daycare these days.
Plus she has # 2 on the way, no need to induce early on MIlle lacs rollers!!LOL

Jim W

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