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My dog is dazed and confused, help!!!


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You need to finish the force fetch. When you say fetch he should be looking to pick up anything that will meet your approval. Bumpers or birds should not be an issue. Re-address the force fetch until it is completed.


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Took the black dog out Sun. night for geese first real feild work he did ok settling and when we dropped one he marked it and went after it as directed. Now comes the problem with bumpers and wings no problem retreiving. but this goose was still moving a little and he was not sure what to do he wanted to pick it up but was confused by what it was doing. Even dead and at home he was spooked by it. it may just be the size of the bird. so now to all canine scholars out there what do I do. just keep up with the bupers and gradually work him into the retreive of downed birds with my assistance. or do i back off and start and diferent approach. I thought of trying a rod tyed to teh bumper /dead fowl mallard and moving it when he retreives but am afraid of maybe messing him up more. Any way let me know your thoughts. thanks

big drift

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If it was me, I'd breast the goose out and wrap one wing and the body together with duct tape. Now you have a life size goose dummy that looks/smells/tastes just like the real thing. Let your dog get use to that and you'll be in good shape. It's probably more the association with the goose that is affecting him so more training with a regular dummy might not help as much. Your dog knows a dummy isn't going to slap him in the face or flop around on him. Make this fun and you should easily work through it. Good luck and go shoot another one for him.

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A big live goose is a formidable bird for a young dog to retrieve... a live goose to retrieve on the first try is an even bigger task!

Some dogs go out and complete the retrieve of their first live goose like an old grizzled veteran, some react exactly as you described.

If the bird was still alive, I'd hold off sending him on the retrieve till you finish off the bird. Then make sure you praise him heavily when he gets out and completes the retrieve... a little play time with the bird in between flights to help him gain confidence in retrieveing and handling big birds will go a long way. Eventually work him into taking on a live bird... go out with him if need be to reassure him it's alright, ring it's neck if you need to and toss the bird to get him to get it while it's still kicking and again praise him to let him know that is what you want. He will eventually build up the courage nessacary to tackle a live bird retrieve.

with all that being said... I do agree with Duckbuster that a forced dog will be a more finished dog that will pose less problems down the road.

Good Luck!


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