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She is a Newfie/Retriever cross and 14 weeks old. Very smart and built like a tank. I plan on duck hunting her along with some grouse trail work. The problem right now is biting. She has every chewie toy in the world but still has a tough time not mouthing/chewing on me and the wife. Currently she gets her upper jaw squeezed and a firm "No Biting!" but this doesn't seem to help as she thinks it's a game. Any advice???


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She's just a young pup. They all do that. Keep correcting her the way you are. Eventually she will stop. Just be aware it could take a while. My pups all did the same thing. I still don't know if the corrections are what worked or if they just grew out of it. Stay the course. You're doing the right thing. As with all training, it's repetition and it doesn't happen over night. It takes time and patience. Good luck.

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Chunky you are doing things right. I would suggest going to an obedience class/ puppy school too. When you say grab the top law are you folding the lip under and pressing it against the canine tooth? This can give you a better resoponse. And use less pressure on the nose.

What a cross! The thing will be able to pull you and the ice house out this winter! One thing with Newfies is that they do get hot spots and need some grooming. Just have to wait and see how the hair comes in this winter.

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I'd just say to stick with it. My pup is eighteen months now and it's remarkable how much better she's gotten with the biting these last few weeks. She still has her moments, but she seems to just brush over my hands now with her teeth. I use verbal commands usually and only the occasional mouth grab. Give it time....

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Suggestion from my wife. She was reading the board..

The best thing to do for a pup who is mouthing a lot is to handle it how her litter mates would… yelp! Whenever she starts biting or mouthing too hard, let out a loud OUCH! This will startle the pup and also let her know that she hurt you… chances are she will drop to her belly and try to apologize. Let her know things are ok but do this each time she bites too hard. This will teach her what is acceptable playing and what is not. It will also enforce your (and your wifes) role as alpha.

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Hey folks. Thanks for the replies! Very much appreciated and getting better all the time. Man! She bulked this last week. It was like I turned around and BAM "Look dad, I gained 15 pounds last night". She's retrieving quite well and has taken to the water like a duck. Water hunting is new to me so this should be interesting. I've been hunting behind Brits for 6 years and have become used to pointers. I'll be duck hunting for the first time this fall but she'll be a bit young for that. I was planning on taking her for a few stomps through the woods though. Not Bird Camp, just me, the gun, and the pooch. Think she's too young for that?


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