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Is it too late ?

J Rookie K

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Im wondering if 3 years old is too late to teach new behavior? My dog just turned 3, and there some things I need to change. The most important one is chasing after the flush. Can I get him to stop this? It drives me nuts when the bird is missed, or a hen. He wont stop until he decides its time to. Any advise will help. Thanks.

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J Rookie-
Are you using an E-collar? If not, that would be a very useful tool in this situation. The other thing you could do is buy a long check cord and go to a game farm. Knowing where the birds will be, you can stop him with the cord. It may take many tries but with repetition, he/she should catch on pretty quick! Good luck!

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First off what kind of dog do you have? There are some things that you can do to train your dog to stop chasing but it depends on how serious you want to get with your pooch. You can always teach a dog to do what ever you want as long as you are willing to put in the time to teach them correctly. Remeber just because your dog isn't a puppy anymore you still have to keep the training fun or your dog will tune you out. Let me know what kind of animal we are dealing with and I think I can give you some tips.

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My dog is a Chessie, he loves to work, and has a good temperment. He is my first hunting dog, so I didnt know what to expect. I did research and decided a Chessie was what I wanted. Im happy with him so far, great in the house and with kids. I just started hunting roosters the last 2 yrs, and really had no idea how to train. I thought if he found birds, and brought them back, that was good enough. Well its not, so I have some more work to do. Im willing to work him, and have some time to get it done. I just need some ideas. Thanks.

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