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Bee Hives


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Picklefarmer, I ran across a deal some some bee boxes. A friend of mine and I bought 214 mediums and 40 deeps. The looked to be in very good shape.

I let the swarm I caught last night out of the box. They seem content and are ajusting to life a my house.

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Cool, You didn't by any chance make a trip to north Dakota today did you??? There was an auction there today that I was unable to attend. I guess one of my beekeepin buddys went and said there was alot of stuff there.

Looks like you got enough equipment there for about 50 hives or more. Good deal. I went down to my hives this evening and poped a few covers. Looks like there set for the next few days. They were bringing in some nice white honey today. Looks like the clover is starting to bloom.

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Thats great Picklefarmer. Sounds like your bees are on it like Blue Bonnet.

As for the hive boxes, No, I got them close to home here. As local guy had them stored away in his garage. He has been out of the honey business for a few years. I was sure impressed how good these things looked. I have enought deeps for 30 hives next year, and plenty of mediums.

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beeesjune09007.jpgbeeesjune09005.jpgbeeesjune09008.jpg [img:center]

The bees were pretty inactive today, I think because of the hards winds. I don't know what changed, but at about 3:00 pm they stepped it up into high gear. They were really getting after it. The hive closest to the camera, is a swarm that I caught just a few days ago. Seems to be doing real good.

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Looks like your hives are really going at it leechmann. I talked with another beeman in my area and he thinks the honey flow is about 2 weeks later then normal??? I got 2 hives now that are up into 2 honey suppers. I so want to make a 100 pound average this year. I think I have the hives to do it. All we need is the right weather..

Keep an eye on that Swarm,I bet it will make more honey than the rest of your hives will. Might not fair so well over winter though. WHO KNOWS?? Might be the best hive yo ever have??? Nice pic's.

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Picklefarmer, good to hear your bees are doing good. I'm also hearing that this is turning out to be a good honey year, at least so far. Yesterday, I was looking at my hives that are at my buddy's house and the bees had started to cap some honey in the 4th box. I also saw where the queen had layed a row of brood in the bottom of the frams on the 4th box. She is moving up, up, up. I think I want her to go back down. Oh well, I've read that when the brood hatches, the bees will back fill it with honey. I am planning on putting my swarm boxes out today. I am also heading over to Mann lake to pickup some honey jars and stuff. If you need anything let me know, I can save you a few miles. Have a good day. Leechmann.

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Well yesterday, I purchased some foundation that allows you to make cut comb honey. I can wait to bit into some of that stuff. I used to eat it when I was a kid. I also purchased some jars and containers to put the honey in, and my wife asked that I pickup some candle making equipment so she can make used of the surplus bees wax. Now I have everyone into the mix.

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Picklefarmer, I have a few questions. I was going through both of the hives that I have, that came from the swarms. I'm unable to find any eggs or larva. It's been approximately 8 to 10 days since I caught the first swarm. I've read that sometimes its takes a while for the queen to get comfortable and start laying. Just wondering what your thoughts are. Both of the hives are packed with bees and are packing the honey away.

Lastly, I took a picture of my best hive. The bees are putting honey into the 4th box up. The bees seem like they are crowded. They are always standing out front of the hive , like in this picture. Is this any cause for concern?


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Its good to see your wife getting into it as well. I have had alot of hives that hang out the front and all there doing is chilling. No worry's. Give them alot of room.(2 empty boxes on top) and watch it all play out. Trust me bees hanging out on the front is a good thing this time of year.

You like sitting out on the deck this time of year don't you? same with the bees. Rock on trucker!!! grin

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I'd look again. I'm not sure as to why there wouldn't be any eggs now???? It seems like most of the time when you catch a swarm the first thing the queen does is start laying eggs. Thats very wierd that there is no eggs.. I Don't know??? If theres a queen in the hive she should be laying. I'm at a loss for an answer for you. I know it takes a while for them to get started but I would think by now she should be going full force.

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It takes about 3 days before the egg hatches into a larva. The eggs are about the size and shape of a lettuce seed. you should be able to see the eggs in the bottom of the brood cells.They are white in color and normally lay on there side. I find its best to look for eggs with the Sun to your back. I would think that if there is a queen in your swarm hives that you should have not only eggs in the cells but brood growing by now??? I'm not sure what to say here.. Keep an eye on them and keep us posted....

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Well, good news for the Leechmann today. I went through the first of the swarm hives that I caught, and I found that the queen had started laying. I found a pretty big area of larva so I just put everything back and let them be. I was just about ready to order a new queen and introduce her to this hive.

As for the second swarm hive, so far I can't spot the queen or any eggs. However the bees seem very content and are just going about there business colllecting nector. So I imagine she's in there, she is just in the stealth mode. I'll give it a couple of more days and then look again.

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Hows things look up your way this week leechmann? I just popped the lids off of my hives to take a peek and it looks like there isn't much going on. One hive looks like it made a little honey since I last looked but not much. The Basswood trees should be blooming soon so thats something to look forward to. Good to here your swarms are doing good. Did you ever find the queen in the one?

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Things are going good. The bees are still getting after it. I wouldn't know a good year from a bad one yet, but it seems to be a good one from what I've been told. I haven't been in the hives for about a week. I have a few days off soon. I'll have to take a look. Maybe take some pictures and post them, them you can tell me what you think.

Thanks, Leechmann

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Here's are few new pic's from today. The first shot is of a honey super. There is a small area towards the top of the frame that is capped. I had hoped to turn the frame just right so the sun would shine on the honey and it would be visible to the camera. But you will have to take my word for it, this frame is about full and the bees will fill it up, and then when the moisture content is just right. they will cap it off.

The second picture is a frame of capped brood. These are bees that are going from the larve stage, to the bee stage. It takes 21 days to make a bee from an egg. This is really especially exciting in this hive as I had wondered if the queen was ever going to start laying.

In the last picture, you can see more capped brood, but you can also see some cells that are white. If you look close you will see that it is larva, and that it's curled up in the cell. The nurse bees will feed this larva until its just the right size, then they will cap it like the rest of the capped brood. In a couple of weeks you will see bees chew the cap of thier cell and a new bee emerges.

It was a goood day at the bee yard. I also started a box of cut comb honey today. Hope that works out.

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I was in my hives today. The bees are capping honey in the third medium super. I added a forth today.

I have a little problem at some of my other hives. I have 3 hives in the location, where I've been catching all the swarms . So I decided to take a close look in my hives and see whats been going on. I took the top 2 medium supers off and looked in the deep boxes. I found approx. 6 hatched queen cells in the 2 weeker hives. I also found that there are no eggs or brood in these two hives. I also found lots of drones in these hives.

I am hoping the hives have virgin queens and they just havn't started laying yet. I'll keep you posted.

PS the other hive is doing great. The bees are starting to put honey in the 4th medium super up.


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Well it sounds like to me that the two hives you found with no eggs and lots of drones are the swarms that you caught. I know that you expected that when you buy hives that they won't swarm, but its not such a big deal that the guy making up the hives missed an old queen or two. I think thats what your seeing now. I think that maybe the hives you got came with a few older (2 or more year old) queens and there showing there natural signs. I stand by the "A new queen will NOT swarm" quote.

The Reason your seeing alot of Drones in the hive is because the Old queen (before she left the hive) layed a bunch of drone eggs to insure that the new queen would have plenty of drones to mate with.Take it with a grain of salt and know that you at least caught the swarms that you could have lost. Wait and see what happens. Like I said before, Its really not Beekeeping rather than bee having. All you can do is guide them in the direction you want them to go. Good luck..

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Picklefarmer, Good to hear from you. How are your bees doing? This rain we had today should help things.

As far as the hives go, this has been a real learning experience. But I have to say, this little adversity just makes me want to learn more. I think the mystery behind it all is what intrigues me. I've already decided that it's just the cost of doing business.

I've been out in the garage, all day, making more bottom boards and gearing up for next year.

Any news from over your way?

Take care, Leechmann

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As far as the hives go, this has been a real learning experience. But I have to say, this little adversity just makes me want to learn more. I think the mystery behind it all is what intrigues me. I've already decided that it's just the cost of doing business.

Take care, Leechmann

WOW, did you ever say a mouth full there. I know alot of folks look at the bee business as just a hobbie or no big deal business but just imagine if you baught 1000 hives thinking they all had new queens but in reality most of them had old queens. I don't know what you paid for your hives but what ever it was take it X 1000 and see how you feel. mad I've been there and like you said its a learning... well, you could not have said it better.

Yes this rain is just what we needed. Its good to hear that you have some hives that are showing you what they can do!!!! My hives are kind of holding there own. Not alot coming in and not alot to report. Just wait and see here. But Oh yeah the rain helped out a bunch. Keep in touch. and GREAT PICS.

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Here's a fews pics of the bees today. It's been so cold and windy the bees have been staying inside the hive. Today the sun came out for about 13 seconds and all the bees had to come out and take a look.

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