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Non resident spearing Bill?

Dan L

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First off MDAA a great orginization and it's efforts have led to expanding our sport, Longer season,angling at the same time,input with the DNR and the legislature just to name a few.

It's also an opportunity to hang with like minded people whose

lobbying efforts as a group is huge.

Now as for out of state spearing. I would love to spear N.D.

and if Minnesota offered the opportunity we should treat them like they treat us when it comes to out of state hunting. Charge

high lisence fees (enough to run their entire DNR), restrict how often they can do it, and when they can go and where they can do it.I feel Minnesota doesn't abuse the out of staters as much as N.D.does.

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1/26/2009 A bill for an act relating to game and fish; allowing a nonresident to take fish by spearing from a dark house; amending Minnesota Statutes 2008, sections 97A.475, subdivision 7; 97C.371, by adding a subdivision.

The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Environment Policy and Oversight.

Last action I could find?

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House of Rep. HSOforum

Published (1/30/2009)

By Susan Hegarty

“How do you catch and release a speared fish?” asked Rep. David Dill (DFL-Crane Lake), chairman of the House Game, Fish and Forestry Division.

“You don’t,” replied Shawn Kellett, president of the Muskies Inc. Twin Cities Chapter. The exchange took place during a Jan. 26 hearing on HF26 that would amend state fishing laws to allow non-residents to take fish by spearing them from a dark house, which is typically a portable canvas tent placed over the ice.

The division took no action on the bill sponsored by Rep. Al Juhnke (DFL-Willmar). A companion bill, SF220, sponsored by Sen. Tom Saxhaug (DFL-Grand Rapids), awaits action by the Senate Environment and Natural Resources Committee.

Rep. Denny McNamara (R-Hastings) said the change would allow former residents who return to the state on vacation to participate in this form of recreation.

Vern Wagner, chairman of Anglers for Habitat, opposes the bill because of the shortage of trophy-sized Northern Pike. “We need to fix Northern Pike and we don’t fix Northern Pike by sticking forks in them,” Wagner said.

Juhnke cautioned division members not to think of the bill as a conservation issue.

“If conservation of species is the case, please pull the cameras out of the water today. And take the fish finders off the boat today,” he said.

Rather, it’s a reciprocity issue. Border states don’t allow Minnesotans to hunt waterfowl in their states. So Minnesota doesn’t allow their residents to spear fish in its waters.

“South Dakota and North Dakota are kind of famous for their waterfowl. I know their population is less than a million in each state and we’ve got 5.7 (million). I get that they don’t want us over there en masse,” Dill said.

Department of Natural Resources Assistant Commissioner Bob Meier agreed that it’s a “social issue about how we are treated in other states.” If enacted, the law would not significantly impact the fisheries, Meier said.

Rep. Tom Hackbarth (R-Cedar) compared the issue to other recreational opportunities, saying there are a few anglers who could give the sport a “bad name” and that they could “ruin spearing for our residents.” For that reason, he did not support the bill.

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Rather, it's a reciprocity issue. Border states don't allow Minnesotans to hunt waterfowl in their states. So Minnesota doesn't allow their residents to spear fish in its waters.


Just like I said before... the deeper you dig the crazier it gets.

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----- Forwarded Message ----

From: merkman <merkman>

To: [email protected]

Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2009 11:24:51 AM

Subject: How do you catch and release a speared fish?

Greetings Mr Dill,

I was reading an article about some recent legistaion you have been working on.

House of Rep. HSOforum

Published (1/30/2009)

By Susan Hegarty

“How do you catch and release a speared fish?” asked Rep. David Dill (DFL-Crane Lake), chairman of the House Game, Fish and Forestry Division.

“You don’t,” replied Shawn Kellett, president of the Muskies Inc. Twin Cities Chapter.

After reading this, it became very clear to me that the answer you received was only a half truth.

Spearers throughout Minnesota partake in an activity much less invasive that "catch and release". That activity is called "look and release". Any fish that a spearer does not want to harvest, they simply watch it swim by. With "look and release" there is 0% chance of a bad hook-set, 0% chance of gills freezing in sub zero air, and 0% chance of incorrect fish handling at all. Most times the fish is totally unaware they are being watched at all.

I agree 100% with Mr. Shawn Kellett's statement that spearers do not "catch and release" a speared fish. The other half of the story that Mr. Kellett failed to mention to you however, is that if a spearer does not want to harvest a fish, they simply don't throw the spear.

Thank you for your time

Steve Merkling

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Merkman do you think it would do any good to send the link to the spearing forum to Mr. Dill or other Reps or other people that have something to do with this bill?

I appreciate the posts and your time you are putting into all these spearing issues!

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The committee meeting can be heard here.


After listening to this I can agree more (not fully yet) with some people's view point that it should only be allowed for previous Minnesota residents. I also add that if that is the case it should be allowed for their underaged children also.

After listening to this I firmly believe we need representation down there every time something comes up too. Our normal spearing rep was out with the flu and some things were twisted around.

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