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orioles ?


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The other day I had a couple of Orioles at my feeder. I changed the nectar after that and haven't seen them since. I've had a feeder up for 2 years now and this is the first time I've seen them. Do they tend to move on or will they stay if you keep the feeder fresh and clean. I also have a hummingbird feeder and for the last five years I've had hummingbirds all summer.



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This time of year orioles will move on and head further north so its possible they may have just been stopping by. I am sure you have some resident orioles that nest year round in your area too. I have never had luck with the nectar or oranges other then a few weeks in the spring, then they loose interest in them and stop coming. Grape jelly seems to be the secret for keeping them around, they love the stuff. If you don't have any out there I would add some and it will make your yard even more attractive and they will eat it all summer long.

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In willmar area we have lots! for the whole summer,We dont use the Juice (store bought) But oranges, grape jelly. Took a tuna can screwed it to a rail and fill them with jelly.Not only grape I think its the sugar they also eat from our hummer feeders

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I use a small ceramic dish set on my picnic table. It last longer in the shade too. I would say I go through about 2 tablespoons a day, some times even more and I just use the cheap stuff from Walmart.

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Wild Birds Unlimited (Google them) has an Advanced Pole System that is IMHO the nicest system going. They have so many attachments that you can run off of them... including a small plastic cup that holds jelly or anything else you'd like. I have three of these full blown setups and highly recommend them.

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Our orioles love the grape jelly as well as the oranges and nectar feeder. I get the whole gammet out there for them. I just make my own hummingbird and oriole nectar. 2+ parts water to 1 part sugar. Way cheaper than the store bought stuff. That stuff is just a gimmick to sucker you into buying it. We had a pair nest in our trees last year here in central MN near Buffalo. They will stay. I think the reaason youmight think they leave is because once the young hatch they switch over to insects to feed the babies. Then you will see them again in the fall.

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Totally true on the store-bought stuff. You don't need to dye it red or orange, either, because the hummers and orioles find it anyway, and they seem to remember locations well.

I've experimented with the sugar/water ratio and 3 parts water to 1 part sugar is what I've settled on these last several years. Spoils slower than stronger sugar mixes and seems to draw them in just as well.

The male hummer that claims our yard for his territory takes nectar all summer while, as art said, the females in the area will hit the nectar until switching to insect to feed the youngsters. Then in August all heck starts to break loose as mature females and immatures of both sexes flood the feeders. I love summer! gringrin

Speaking of this, I gotta get my hummer feeders out there. Those aggressive little buggers are up here now. grin

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