paceman Posted May 1, 2008 Share Posted May 1, 2008 The first day out was a good one as I wacked a decent Tom at 7:20 this morning. Last night I watched 9 birds roost. So this morning I set up hoping they would fly down to me. I was set up in an old gravel pit. It was pretty cool sitting inthe low light and hearing 4 different toms gobbling away. About 6:20 I have a hen fly down and land about 5 yards from me. Really exciting. But the others flew behind me over a little ridge. After the hen walked out of site, Nothing else came. I sat for a bit and then went stalking. I saw a flock of a Tom, jake and 3 hens. The rough terain of the gravel pit and strong winds made the sneak pretty easy. I was able to get a point blank 20 yard shot. 20lb, 8 inch beard, 3/4 spurs. Nothing huge but a very fun hunt. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mnmuzzleloader Posted May 1, 2008 Share Posted May 1, 2008 Well my son and I headed out for his turn today!! Heard some birds on the roost but they didn't come in, we seen some deer that came up to the decoys at 30 feet, We did have a strutter come up to the back side of us but never gave us a shot out of the blind, four more days and praying for nice weather?? Here he is with the 20ga and tom spitzer. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MrBaz Posted May 1, 2008 Share Posted May 1, 2008 Sounds like your having a good season paceman, I went out for most of the day, the wind was awful, I tried to set up on some birds but it didnt work out, I had 3 gobblers on a ridge about 70 yards away and they were with a pesky hen, everytime I called she would cut me off and talk right back, She took them further down the ridge into the neigbors property. The weather isnt looking so good but hopefully thats gonna change. Im gonna brave the weather and head out in the morning. Good luck guys. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ms4dux Posted May 1, 2008 Share Posted May 1, 2008 Went out also this morn. with my brother and a friend.I have to wait for archery so i ran the vid camera.We set up in a island of trees in the field.The momment we sat down they started gobbling,I have never heard so much gobbling,the woods sounded like it was full.There must have been 8 to 10 gobblers.One would go then they all would go.My heart was pounding even with the camera in my hands.The first tom appeared,then two,three,four and five toms were in the field.The five came straight to the dekes 15 yds. away.Strutted around the jake deke.The birds were so tight had to wait for them to seperate,when they did a shot rings out one bird on the ground 3 of the birds start to walk away.The other bird walked up to the bird on the ground,another shot two birds on the ground :)Both birds were first's for the hunters.first bird 20 lbs./10"beard/1.25"hooks,second bird 19lbs./9.50"beard/1 1/8"hooks.There were still birds gobbling in the woods.Sure i'm glad i missed work to run the camera.Hopefully the rain holds off for the rest of ya,goodluck! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tipup101 Posted May 2, 2008 Share Posted May 2, 2008 You got to put that video up for the rest of us to see. Good job awsome morning. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sticknstring Posted May 2, 2008 Share Posted May 2, 2008 Sounds like an awesome hunt to say the least! You don't get mornings like that very often and to capture it on video... even better. Congratulations on their first birds. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scott M Posted May 3, 2008 Share Posted May 3, 2008 Congratulations! Catching a hunt on film can make for one of the most challenging turkey hunts to plan. Sometimes things really work out. Congratulations on the nice birds and the memories you'll have on tape! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
mnmuzzleloader Posted May 4, 2008 Share Posted May 4, 2008 Well I took my dad out this morning since he has a license for D and it was something else this morning. We heard 4 different birds with in 200 yards they were gobbling something else. The gobbled nostop until 6:30 when the they headed to the fields, then at 7:30 they came back and gobble 60 yards out in the brush. Two of them circled us and stayed on the ridge, gobbled at clucks and what ever sound we would make, we called sparingly but they just keep going, we moved at 8:30 and walked up behind them they were busy talking in the woods. We set up in a small pasture with b-mobile and Anita Tom and called a hen called back and he gobbled. The hen came in the pasture and seen Anita Tom and came right over. She got right in her face and went into strut fanned out and everything, Then she mounted the hen and pushed her to the ground. Then she pecked the head and purred for 15 minutes I have some pictures of that I will upload. She was something else the tom was in the woods going nuts with the purring and fighting going on but he never came out he would gobble and move up and down in the brush but never came out, I don't think he will show him self the rest of the season. seems like one gobbler that likes to gobble but will not come to the hens for anything, I will post those pictures with her in strut. hope everyone else had better success!!!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ms4dux Posted May 4, 2008 Share Posted May 4, 2008 The video turned out so so,couple branches in the way.The camera would focus on the them,when i would zoom.It was my first time trying to tape a hunt.The first bird falls and i tried to sit up over the branches when the second bird is shot.I miss the second bird. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tim_Anderson Posted May 5, 2008 Share Posted May 5, 2008 Just got back from several days of hunting. Three of us hunted Thursday, Friday and Saturday morning with little results. The toms were pretty quiet all day, and the ones we did find had little interest in coming to the call. We sat in some tried and proven spots and put in some time, but anything that came near skirted our decoys, so we quit using them. Saturday morning was ugly. 20mph wind, 38 degrees, and rain. I hunted the tops and bottoms of the bluffs, just trolling for a gobbler, but couldn't hear much. Finally headed for the laundromat, rented a room (we were camping on a bluff top and the wind and rain folded up the tent) and then for some breakfast. After that, the sky started to clear, and things got interesting.I heard a tom gobble and he was up on top of the bluff. We talked back and forth, and I was considering going up after him when I look and he's sailing down to the valley floor! Then I cluck and he gobbles but won't come over. This goes on for 30 minutes. All of the sudden I see him running at me like he's scared. I'm hoping he's going to come within range, but at the point of no return, I realize the best it's going to get is 70 yards. I hit it hard with my mouth call, and he poured on the breaks and gobbled, and just then, I hear a chorus of gobbles over my left shoulder. I turn slowly, and there's four more coming at me at a dead run. They were chasing the first tom, and then switched to come to me when I called. We lifted our guns when they disappeared into a wash, and when they came up to our side, we let the best two toms have it.This morning was a beauty. Calm for a change, and clear. Turkeys gobbling everywhere. I was helping my son fill his tag. We set up on a tom, and he flew down and came to within 100 yards, and then hung up and wouldn't come in. When he left, we circled him and set up again. And again, he came to within about 60 yards and then hung up. Eventually he left, and we decided to try for some other birds. My son was a bit disappointed and frustrated.So we went to another tried and proven spot. I used a glass call, which is really loud, and heard two toms respond way up the valley. They sounded like they were 1/4 mile away or more. I kept calling, and they kept responding, and pretty soon there were four on the left, two in front, and one on the right...all converging and trying to see who could get to us first. The first tom in was the one on the left, strutting and gobbling the whole way. When he hit 40 yards, we had a jake close by that was about to spook. I told my son Ben that he'd better take the shot before we lose the whole works. He made a great shot, and a perfect end to our hunt.I love the game of turkey hunting...even when it's tough, just the challenge of trying to outwit one. And over and over I see it, that persistance pays off. It's pretty hard to go the entire 5 days without something good happening. Seems every tom thumbs his nose at you, sometimes for days, and all of the sudden everything lines up, their attitudes change, and suddenly they want you bad! That makes the tough days worth it, and everything so satisfying. This is something my son and I do together every other year or so...lots of great memories.I think the clear, calm, sunny weather was the ticket for their change in attitude this D season. As soon as the sun came out, they immediately got alot more cooperative.BTW, keep your eyes out for those deer ticks. We picked off numerous ticks during the hunt. Got home and found one embedded in my arm. Not too happy about that. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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