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component co-op

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i was wondering if theres a chance to start a co-op in this forum for rod/lure builders to buy components in bulk and get better deals on things. i buy somethings by the 100 to 5000, blades, wire,terminals, feathers by the pound/kilo sometimes just to get that sweet deal on things i know i'll use up. the initial hit might be less if others bought in. just wondering if others would be interested in a co-op like deal on certain things at some point.

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yeah me too. when i started this post it sounded like a great idea, but, after thinking about it the logistics of it waned. money collection, things like that. who's going to do it, same style component agreement. and really the money saved between 100 and 1000 is pretty slim. mabe between 5 and 10 bucks. but if you can figure a way i'd listen ;\)

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Big, my initial thought was I am in... but then I wondered as it is with rod buying components sometimes I buy even when I don't have a need to in order to leverage and that would be the case too with a co-op. Not everybody is going to want or need when an order is going in. I am not sure sure I see it working.

Is it limited to terminal tackle?

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Not everybody is going to want or need when an order is going in. I am not sure sure I see it working.

Is it limited to terminal tackle?

theres two point's i pondered also. but before i go there, there is this too. trust is an issue also. bill johnson in tennesee needs to trust he's gonna get his stuff from fred jones in minnesota. it would have to be set up by the powers that be in Hot Spot to be trusted. and the world is driven by profit. i'm sure a service fee would apply, mabe another way i don't know. then bill johnson needs to get his stuff in tennesee, and being bulk it needs to be split up, order sent out, that kind of stuff. don't know how it would work, mabe theres way's i don't know about. mabe get a sponsor who deals in bulk and see what they can set up themselves. i was just wondering what the intrest is and if theres enough, mabe HSO can find a way.

getting back to the quote... a post of what is going to be ordered with a deadline to get in. if enough get in on time it's ordered if not the ones in decide if they want to still order and pay more for more or some may decde they can use more so they make up the difference. or the deadline can be extended, just a thought. as far as whats on order that's unlimited really. can order tiddly winks if the post says thats what is getting ordered.

hooks, blades and other lure parts go way down in price after about 100 on some sites. after 5000 it's very dramatic. some you can mix and match styles and not lose price after 500. so 20 people ordering 10 different styles of blades of say size three for snells, can get 500 quality brass blades blades for mabe 10 bucks, or 2 cents apiece.really start saving on larger blades. never built a rod so i don't know, gonna next winter.

if people know each other i suppose they could do it together too through contact in here. could be done but your point above about not needing stuff would hinder that process.

anybody else have any idea how we can get this done? mabe someone from HSO can Yay or Nay this or tell us ''We'll check and see?''

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The co-op buying usually works well with clubs or where people are in close proximity.

I the past I have purchased reloading components through a local gun club. The savings were substantial as it seems that the price breaks are 1000,5000,10000,50000 and 100000 units.

I am sure co-op buying should work well for fishing components. Prices can be negotiated when large quantities are involved and spipping cost get less.

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Ya the logistics is the biggest drawback I see. Trust would be another but heck we know where to find eachother. Its not hard to track someone down if ya really want/need too.

I have been buying out of a certain companies catalog and besides having to buy so much at one time Im happy with them.

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