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When do you call it quits?

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I recently got permission to hunt a bunch of private land in ND with cattle and lots of surrounding CRP. A license is cheap, and it will be good next winter also, so I'm thinking of trying to get over there yet this spring at least once.

My question for you more experienced callers is when do you usually pack it up? Does the females having pups shut everything down? Do the males continue to hunt? Do you notice a preference for howling vs. squawlering on the distress? I don't want to be done yet!

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Its going to be tough! I usually hang my gear up March 20th. Females will be hanging around the dens and the males won't be to far from the females. A good average date for pups to hit the ground in ND is April 15th.

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depends on if you are talking prime/valueable fur or success? fur is usually rubbed pretty good by now. I would agree with w-12, we don't have hardly any success in SD in april, while turkey hunting. usually try a couple sets after the birds are tagged... having said that,... nobody likes a quitter!!!!!!!

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I am done right after the full moon in March. By then the dogs are almost all rubbed and worth nothing anyways. But once in awhile in late summer the itch is too much after hearing some howling and i will head out. normally not much luck though!

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