demonjigger Posted March 17, 2008 Share Posted March 17, 2008 Has anyone done any reloading for the .204 ruger? I purchased one this year (Remington LVSF 22" barrel) and have been killing some crows w/it. I am going through the $17per box ammo pretty fast and want to start loading. I have only found a couple recipes so far. I am using 32 gr V-max ammo...thanks in advance. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WalleyeGod Posted March 17, 2008 Share Posted March 17, 2008 If you are planning on using a heavier bullet I have these two.39 gr. sierra blitz kings using 25.7 gr. of Benchmark.40 gr. vmax using 25.7 grains of TAC.If I think of it I will get the 32 gr. bullet load for you later. Can't remember it off the top of my head. I will say we have had a tough time getting our reloads to factory velocity. The biggest reason from my understanding is that Ruger is using a proprietory powder. We just settle for what shoots good groups and our 32gr. load is about 3,950 fps.As always, work up your load when trying a new powder/bullet combination. My little disclaimer.... Later,WG Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
demonjigger Posted March 20, 2008 Author Share Posted March 20, 2008 thanks WG, I am going to get started this week end. Have you killed any varmints with your .204 yet? I was wondering about how it will handle a coyote, and wondering about pelt damage on fox? I have shot some crows with mine, and it really makes a mess of them... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
waskawood Posted March 21, 2008 Share Posted March 21, 2008 WG, what rifle are you shooting? I am days from buying a .204 as I have the bug to try some prairie dog hunting this spring. Also, what power scopes are you guys using on your .204's? Don't mean to hijack the thread. Thanks...... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
demonjigger Posted March 23, 2008 Author Share Posted March 23, 2008 Scope:6.5-20x leupold w/varmint hunter reticle. What rifle are you looking at? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
waskawood Posted March 23, 2008 Share Posted March 23, 2008 I am 99% sure it will be the Savage model 12 Varmanter low profile. I have heard lots of good reports about it. I am a Remington guy but the 700 VSSF II is $240 more and then I have to take it to my gun smith to rework the trigger. I have a remington .223 that is my carry gun so I am looking for a heavy barreled rifle this time around. I haven't made up my mind on a scope yet. Wondering if I want to try a mildot style scope this time for a longer range gun. Thanks for the input. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
demonjigger Posted March 23, 2008 Author Share Posted March 23, 2008 I don't like the trigger in my 700 either. what did you have done to yours and what did you pay? I tried a timney trigger and it was no better than factory, I was thinking of trying a rifle basix in the 1.5 to 3# model. Any advice? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
waskawood Posted March 24, 2008 Share Posted March 24, 2008 A good gun smith can lessen the pull. Not sure exactally what they all do. Polish, and tweek? Sorry I am not much help. Call your local smith and ask would be my best advice. I had mine done a few years back an I think it was about 25 bucks. Good luck. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
demonjigger Posted March 24, 2008 Author Share Posted March 24, 2008 not much for 'smiths her, got one you would recommend? ours just retired. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
waskawood Posted March 24, 2008 Share Posted March 24, 2008 Not sure where you are located but I use Pat Laib in Spicer Mn. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WalleyeGod Posted March 24, 2008 Share Posted March 24, 2008 Waskawood:The .204's are friends of mine. One is a Savage which shoots the heavier bullets well-40 gr vax.- and the other is a Cooper and shoots both the lighter and heavier bullets well. Can't gowrong with the Savage you are considering.WG Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WalleyeGod Posted March 24, 2008 Share Posted March 24, 2008 Waskawood:Concerning the use for coyotes or fox. Have no first hand experience with the round for either, others here hopefully can chime in.My thoughts are that it is worthy of a try. Correct bullets may be the key. Not sure if the vmax type bullets will stay inside the animal, especially on fox whereas the coyote they may. Like I mentioned, don't know for sure. One way to find out.....WG Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
waskawood Posted March 24, 2008 Share Posted March 24, 2008 Thanks WG. Appreciate the info. The .204 will be used for prairie dogs so not worried about the "kill factor". Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WalleyeGod Posted March 25, 2008 Share Posted March 25, 2008 Waska:For PD's it is as close to perfect as they come. Low recoil, inexpensive to reload for, and is a shooter of a caliber. This is my next PD gun (after the current build is done). I had my reservations at first but since seeing it in action I am sold.It's liken to a .223 on steroids.WG Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
waskawood Posted March 25, 2008 Share Posted March 25, 2008 Thanks, now all I have to do is find a place to hunt. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HunterLee Posted March 25, 2008 Share Posted March 25, 2008 I have a 204 and got my dad one also. I shoot a savage 12flv, and he has the rem sps. Both have the heavy 26in bull barrels. For coyotes i wouldn't use the vmax's. I prefer the 35gr Bergers as they have preformed great. My dad shot the 40gr bergers from hsm, as i didn't have time to make him a good load. Both are dead coyotes and no damage. I also like the 32gr nosler's for coyotes, they are super accurate in my rifle, little tougher bullet than vmax's. My best fox bullet is the 30gr berger over 30.8 gr of blc2. I don't have a chrono yet, but i bet its at least 4000 fps. It seems to have about the same effect as the 35's on a coyote, but my 35's are tough on fox. Longest shot i stepped off was 299yds on a red fox. I have thumped a few coyotes and crows at over 400. I have a 4-12 leupold on mine. Best to shoot bergers for the coyote/fox and the ballistic tips for the crows as they really puff better with the b-tips. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WalleyeGod Posted March 27, 2008 Share Posted March 27, 2008 Waska: Here is that 32 gr. Vmax load. 29.2 grains Vihtavuori N140 powder, Federal small rifle match primer. Chrono's at 3950 fps in his Cooper. Disclaimer: Remember to work up to any load... WG Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ChompChomp_YANK Posted March 27, 2008 Share Posted March 27, 2008 Hunterlee or walleyegod I have been thinking about buying a reloader for my .223 & .204 I have alot of casings that i have saved up thru the years. I was wondering how much you can load a good prarie dog and coyote load for. Right now i am shooting black hills in my .223 and hornady v-max in my .204 the v-max are about $16 to $18 per box depending on how much you buy. thanks chomp Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
waskawood Posted March 27, 2008 Share Posted March 27, 2008 Thanks WG. I appreciate it. Do you like "V" powder? DO you buy it local? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
HunterLee Posted March 27, 2008 Share Posted March 27, 2008 The reloader will pay for itself in a hurry if you shoot alot. I don't shoot tons, but i shoot more knowing i can go home and make some if need be. Get one of the rcbs kits. I got a lymann, but shoulda got the rcbs, becasue its tough to get things for the 204 in lymann and i since have bought the rcbs digital scale and a case trimmer. I have the dies also. If you go out and buy all new stuff it will cost you this.I think the kit is about $250, but comes with everything you need to start loading. Each set of dies is about 25 bucks. Other than that get a book and do some reading.This is the cost for my 204 ammo.100- new brass= $201lb of powder= $15-18- gets you about 240-260 loads. I use 28.2 and 27.5gn.100- bullets, Berger 40gr are $24.99100 primers= $2-4It gets cheaper the more you reuse your brass. For my 204 the berger's in hsm ammo cost 37.99 per 50, so its saves, plus you get to have custom ammo that shoots the best in your gun,and its kinda fun. Hope that helps you out, if not ask. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
picksbigwagon Posted March 27, 2008 Share Posted March 27, 2008 chomper, I went with the lee products and I haven't had a single hick up (after the learning curve that is) it is like the ford vs. chevy vs. vexillar vs. marcum vs. etc. lee makes a single stage press called a breech lock that I would buy if I was going to buy a single stage press. I went with the lee classic turret press since I also reload for pistols. I reload for my 223 at 28 cents a round (not including brass costs) and I can shoot clover leafs at 100 yds. with one of those allegedly inaccurate AR-15's.I get a little bigger groups with my 243. still under an inch though. I think my 243 rounds come in at 32 cents a a reloading manual or two and read before you start reloading or even buying stuff.The best piece of equipment I have bought so far is the RCBS 1500 chargemaster scale. I just got home with the RCBS Chargemaster powder dispenser today. Man that thing cranked out 39 grains of Varget in less than 15 seconds....I can't wait to work up some new loads tonight, if the kids go to sleep early tonight that is.Read read and read some more before you start reloading. There is a wealth of knowledge on the internet, and a ton of opinions too Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WalleyeGod Posted March 29, 2008 Share Posted March 29, 2008 Chomper:Like what was mentioned, if you do a lot of shooting it would pay to reload. The other benefit is also what was mentioned earlier-custom loads. I can get my reloads to shoot better than off the shelf ammo. Some better than others just depends. I like the satisfaction and enjoy the ability of being able to "build" my own rounds. I can get things also that you cannot get off the shelf. We reload as a group of shooting friends so it is also a reason to get together on these cold MN winter nights/days. Last winter we reloaded approx 4,000 rounds and this winter approx 3,000 rounds and we are not quite done yet.Couple newbies yet to go.I have a Lyman and also a smaller RCBS. The Lyman is a turret press as I reload for approx. 13 different calibers and like having them on the turrets for ease of changing calibers. I haven't purchased off the shelf ammo for quite some time now.I am sure there is a local shooter/reloader around for you to get some great information and help with to decide if reloading is for you. An internet site I like is One thing I can tell you is that I didn't reload to save money. Like anything else you can spend low or high. I really just like the comraderie and the quality control part of reloading. Saving a little money on the higher volume shooting cartridges is a by- product for me.I agree with PicksBW on the cost per round for the .223 and .204 with around .28-.30 cents apiece if you have the brass already. So a box of 50 would be about $15. You will get multiple reloadings with the brass so if you do have to buy some that cost is divided by the number of times you can reload the case. For prairie doggin reloading is the only way to go because of the volume of shooting you end up doing.Any more info you need, just "fire" away.....and someone here will get back to you I am sure.WGps. It is addicting by the way. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
WalleyeGod Posted March 29, 2008 Share Posted March 29, 2008 Waska:I get the V at SW or Scheels typically. I really like their powder. I use it in my 6mmBR as well as my friends .204, albeit a different number for the 6mm.WG Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
demonjigger Posted March 30, 2008 Author Share Posted March 30, 2008 Wow, lots of talk here now, I hadn't looked at this for a while. Thanks for the load on the 32gr's. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ChompChomp_YANK Posted April 1, 2008 Share Posted April 1, 2008 Thanks you guys. I think this is something i need to get into. The last two years that i have went to S.D. I have went thru a case of .204 (200rounds) $180 and at least 500 rounds of .223. The funny thing is that this hunt is a archery deer hunt so the only time we shoot the guns is mid day. Unless you fill your tag right away then we switch to coyote hunting and shoot alot more prarie dogs. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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