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Pics from Mountain Iron

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These pictures all have a common thing.. there is unexplained white things in all of them and I started looking at my pictures more closely after the second set of picture which was suppose to be the night sky over mott pit but when I changed the flash that showed up, the rest I found after seeing that and looking thru my pictures. There's another really freaky one I even had to look back at the pictures before to make sure my lens wasn't dirty but I'm making a horrible face so I have to do some editing on it.







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Casey, the white blotch in the first two images could just be flash reflected off a particle suspended in the air. They sometimes make for weird shapes. There could also have been some type of irreglarity in the shiny wall that gathered light and reflected it in and odd shape.

I think the tiny white specks in the night images may be dust on the lens.

I don't see any white blotches or specks on the images of the black and white dog, and I think the stuff in the final two images once again is flash reflecting off of suspended particles in the air. Either that or there's some stuff on the lens.

Anyone else have any ideas?

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I don't see any white blotches on the dog neither, or are you talking about the eyes? If so, it's an reflection from the flash.

I vote for dust on the lens on the other pictures. Could be on the innner lens? Might have to take it in for a cleaning? \:\(

Take the lens off and check both ends, if you do see dust. DO NOT CLEAN THEM YOURSELF. Would be better to take it in for a cleaning.

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it would be one thing if the pictures had the spots all in identical places in each picture but they move all over and they don't always show up I read the reports about the flashes making it look like that but wow that was just a little too freaky when I seen all those

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I would bet it is catching the tiny dust specks in the air. The round circles look like they are caused by waterspots on the lens. The one over the dogs eye and the ones on your jacket make me believe that could be the case. I have had that happen many times taking fish pics in the boat! Hope it is a simple fix, good luck!

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It looks to me like the first two images have a reflection from the flash. If you look at the television screen, you can see the flash, which could then reflect off of the lens of the camera, making the weird shape. We learned about avoiding situations like that when I took a class on running television cameras in high school. We were told to avoid shots with flashes or sunlight at angles or head on. That is one of the few things I remember from that class. \:\)

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I've seen programs where people claimed these were spirits, and photo experts had a logical explanation and could duplicate the effect. Unfortunately, I can't remember what the explanation was. Last summer I left a trail cam out all summer and had this happen dozens of times:


Sometimes there would be three or four in the same photo.

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