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Spring Nuthatches

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Nice Shots Ken. Those nuthatches can be tough to get. They don't seem to like to sit still for long and they take off like a shot when they decide to move. I really like the second one. Also loved your rainbow shot from your other post.

I'm going to need a couple of tips on Moon shots from you. For some reason I can't seem to get a steady enough shot for moon shots to turn out. I set up a sturdy tripod and use a remote and still they never turn out. Nice work capturing this one. Good framing!

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Not much of a trick on this shot - at 1/2000 most of the shake is not a problem. At night, it's amazing on how fast a shutter speed you can use. with a full moon and 800 ISO, you can take shots in the neighborhood of 1/600 to 1/800 of a second. I still should try it with mirror lock up sometime, but haven't played with that much yet.


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