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New Encore Pro Hunter What has worked for ammo?

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Hi, I'm very excited to have picked up an Encore Pro Hunter so I can retire my T/C Black Diamond. I'm wondering for you Pro Hunter ( or encore) owners out there what you have found that works for you in the ammo and powder dept?

I have been shooting Pyrodex 100 - 150gr and Hornady SST 240gr and have had good luck with that.

I plan on that being one of my first tests with the new gun.

I'm also going try some of the AAP Shockey's gold although I see a lot of different opinions on the stuff...

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I have had a T/C Encore for about 3 years now. The Prohunter has some nice improvments over the original Encore (longer barrel for more efficient powder burn, easier breech plug removal, etc.). I switched from Pyrodex pellets to Triple Seven pellets a couple years ago and have liked the change - more energy per grain of powder, less fouling, no sulfer smell and widely available. Don't know how Triple Seven stacks up against Shocky's powder but I have no reason to switch. As for bullets I have used both T/C shockwave sabots and Powerbelts. I didn't like how hard the sabots were to load but liked their accuracy. Powerbelts are a joy to load, I have shot a couple deer with them and they performed nicely, but I have to shoot them more at longer ranges to see how their accuracy stacks up against the sabots (see "powerbelt" thread). Anyways, just my two cents. Muzzeloading is fairly new to me and its fun learning about the new stuff available.

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I to shoot a T/C blackdiamond and the same load as you. But I to am looking at getting one of the new break down models (pro hunter most likely) The only thing that keeps holding me back is I can drive tacks with my BLK D with this load combination. But it is a pain to clean as I am sure you know all to well. may just go for it this year.

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