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LX5 problems



I just got a LX5 and I have a couple questions on this unit. First off It was a display model which raised a flag but at the price I paid for it I was willing to take the chance....I got out in the car and checked it out and the DCS was not there, went back in and the sales person called marcum and they got one sent out to me right away...I then get home and the battery is completely dead, again I call marcum and they send me a new battery, this is not a very good start...Once I got on the ice it seemed to work fine in normal mode, but once I put it in zoom I had to turn the gain up past 2 just to see my lure, then when I was jigging the lure would disappear and after it settled down it would reappear, I was in 30fow on LOTW using buckshots so it's not like I was fishing current with panfish gear. I then try the NBT and in the NBT mode It made a definite clicking noise...kind of like it sounds when the transducer is out of the water, at first I thought this may be normal but after a while it got annoying and I had to switch back to the normal transducer. Is anyone else having these issues?...I have been using a LX3tc for the past 2 seasons and I can't remember ever having to turn the gain up past 1 on it. I'd like to have the lx5 but if it's going to give me problems I might just have to return it and wait until next year.

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I dont know about the clicking. Could be a bad connection but up at LOTW the ice is around 40 inches deep. You will need to have the ducer down pretty low and centered in the hole. When ever I lost my jig it was always after catching a fish and forgetting to put the ducer back centered in the hole. Return units scare me. At end of season take it to marcum and have them go through it.

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I keep the ducer just below the bottom of the ice, I tried my LX3 and that unit had no problems, I checked the connection from the ducer to the unit and it was good and tight...

The battery and DCS were not the fault of Marcum, they were nice enough to just send them to me and I was more than satisfied...The store that I purchased it from kind of upset me with their service, they just gave me the unit with no box, when I asked for a box the guy said they didn't have one...then I came back in to ask about the charger and he said I had to buy that seperate. I argued with him for 5 minutes until he went back to ask another salesman and while he was at it he found the box which says the DCS comes with the unit and that is when we called marcum and they got things squared away. I'm still within my 30 day return policy so i'm thinking about just returning it and using the LX3 to finish off this years season...By then upgrades could be made and we may have a higher numbered LX? Anything's possible nowadays.

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You still bought the unit new, so there is a valid warranty on the product regardless if it was a demo.

I bought mine in December last year (4 months ago) and it was acting up a little with intermittent lines on the screen and very loud. I dropped it off at their facility last tuesday and they had it UPS's back to my by Thursday noon. No Charge what so ever and Works like a charm again.

Call them to get an RA# and then drop it off and have them look at it.

You did get a good deal on the product, so you might as well take advantage of the warranty to have them give it the once over and make sure everything is working properly.

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