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Line Colors



I just bought a new rod and reel and some Berkley Fireline 14lb test. It's flame green. What's the benefit of line colors? Clear, smoke, green, flame green etc. Can the fish see any of this? Or is flame green better for what reason?

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It depends on the application. Yes fish can see the line, that is why we tend to use as small of a diameter of line as we can. I bought the flame green once, couldn't catch a darn thing on it so I ripped it off in the boat and applied some mono and started catching fish immediately. I don't want to scare you, there could be a lot of factors contributing to that. I was in Northern Canada with ultra clear water. Clear water, stick to mono and flourocarbon in my opinion. In stained water or even "normal" water conditions, I use smoke or green line. I think they all work about the same even though someone will tell you that certain color transmit light more or less than others. It is the bottom factor for me, as depth, speed, action, vibration are far more important than color of lures and line.

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if you fish the mississippi then i would stay with the green. that is all i use on the river so when i'm pitching jigs i can see the bites that alot of time you don't feel also it helps with telling what your jig is doing.

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