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Hey Jimbo whats up with the ice down your way? How much snow left on the ice?

Im wondering if we will be able to get out on some lakers later this month?

Might have to cancel our lodging if we cant laker fish. \:\(

Thats unless you can put us on some Crappies and Gills. grin.gif

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I was out between Bayfield and Madeline Island on Sunday. There was at least 24" of ice. Not sure how the snow situation is anymore, there wasn't much where we were fishing. I think the ice will be around for a while, unfortunately. \:\)

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Steve, I talked to Jim this morning and hes over at mill lacs doing the ice school thing. Wally and I are going to go over and try Washburn tomorrow. I'm not bringing my sled, were going to fish shallow eary and maybe try of the ice road mid day.

I didn't make it to that crappie lake last weekend but Jerry did and he said it was packed full of people. He caught one crappie.

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