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Brainerd hockey


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Brainerd school district has chosen their high school hockey teams (boy & girls) to be one of the activities to be cut for budget savings. They have given a non-profit orginization the Warrior Way until April 2nd to come up with $100,000 to save the programs.

I would hate to see them go, as I am a fan Little Falls which has such a good rivalry with Brainerd. But more importantly I hate to see opportunties to be taken away from our students, the more involvment in school and school activities the better citizens our children will become. Although limited, extra-cirricular(Sp?)activities also give our students a chance for scholarships to attent our over priced colleges.

I know many of our schools are in finacial ruins, but let's hope there is wasteful spending that can be identified and eliminated to help this situation. I hope the residents of Brainerd that voted down thier referendum, realize the impact this could have on their children. I am not pointing fingers, I am just sad these things happen.

What are your views?

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Until the state comes up with more funding and a better way for the schools to get money this may become the norm in many districts in the state. People may have to pay there own way or there may not be organized activities for some schools. Being from Brainerd I think this is pretty sad that we could be one of the only schools in the State of Hockey without hockey. Not only that but there are 15 other activities on the chopping block. This in no way is good for the community. A lot of people say there is needless spending by the schools which there may be but look at all the other schools in the state that must have excess spending. They all had referendums and many of them passed. Unfortunately the Brainerd area is dominated by retirees with no kids who don't want to pay the higher property taxes. The state better figure out a better way to fund the schools in these types of communities or there won't be a community. Schools are the fuel that brings people into the community. Young families will not move to a crummy school district, therefore hurting local businesses and the ripple effect begins. I think that the money that needs to be raised will be but that is only a temporary solution to a permanent problem. Brainerd passed a referendum awhile back that is up in about 2 or 3 years. At that point the district will be without another 1.5 million and will either need money or more cuts will be made. Pretty sad situation.

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it bumms me out to hear about this. i agree with dtb, i think we are going to be hearing about this type of stuff more and more. i hope not. the hockey program has to be bringing in some kind of money doesn't it? registration fees, tickets, boosters,& concessions.

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Not to jack the thread but didn't Crosby-Ironton cut all sports? That town is a stones throw away from Brainerd. I played 2 sports in high school(Basketball&Baseball)and it costed me $18 a piece to play. I now see they charge close to $200 to play. Prices keep rising on everything except on peoples payvheck. Now they are cutting school sports. Some of my best buds are from sports including some from other teams. You get to travel, see different places and arenas, meet new people, learn different things, and learn from a coach that you will remember for the rest of your life. All that is getting cut. What will kids do after school now after sports are cut along with other after school programs? They won't be traveling because gas is to high, they won't be meeting new people, they won't have a coach or mentor to teach them new things. Who knows what they will be doing......Drugs?.....Drugs are everywhere now and easy to obtain. Instead of being at practice after school they will be getting high and becoming a pothead or methhead. I know not all kids do this but some do and sports is a way of getting away from that crowd. Enough of my rant.

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OMG... where are those kids going to be able to go to school? Can't go to Aitkin, can't go to crosby, can't go to brainerd!!! I feel for these kids wanting to play. And I thought that area would be good to raise a family. Not so if theres no hockey around.

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From what I've read, the Warrior Way needs to have a two-year cushion of $200,000 before the board will consider it as an option. And that money would go toward other programs that are being considered for cutting.

If the high school program goes, what happens to youth hockey. The Brainerd newspaper reported that youth hockey tournaments and related events amount to a $1 million financial impact on the area. Many people see hockey as something that benefits few but they don't see the big picture.

I'm all for hockey but I would be just as concerned that the school board is considering cutting FFA, languages, band and music and forensic-type activities that go a long way toward getting kids into college and good jobs.

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The Warrior Way is an organization derived to fundraise substantial amounts of dollars then in turn subsidize the costs of athletics for families who are in financial need. According to their model, parents will be obligated to pay a set fee (regardless of financial ability)for a particular sport. Once they have paid that original amount(lets say $100) they can apply for support from the Warrior Way to help subsidize the remaining costs. Each application will be reviewed and then those qualified will recieve their financial help. Some of the numbers I have heard for high school sports have reached the $350 mark. Currently it is costing roughly $80 a sport at the high school level.

Their Warrior Way model is very closely related to the sliding fee scale and free and reduced model currenty in place in the school district.

I applaud the efforts that the Warrior Way Inc. are doing to help out the situation.

Middle level sports/activities is another whole topic.


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we are having the same problem in staples. our brilliant school board is spending money on advertising, trying to get the enrolement up, while cutting jobs for people that need to be here. i don't know what they spend on radio adds and flyers, but i really don't see too many people transferring when we don't have anything else out of the ordinary to offer. especially hockey. we'll never see a hockey program in staples. the state definately needs to do something, because this is happening all over.

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I read in the Brainerd paper today that the Warrior Way has nearly come up with the first $220,000 for keeping sports and academic activities. It'll be an ongoing, uphill fight. The story said that kids likely will pay $380 to participate in sports.

We are paying $55 this spring so my daughter can participate in a play.

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