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Eskimo mod 30



I have an older Eskimo mod. 30 auger that has always leaked a small amount of gas from the carb. Standing up or laying down there is always a small discharge.

The carb was rebuilt last year but the discharge is still present.

Any suggestions??

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2 answers to this question

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Is this the old orange beast with the handlebars? Mine leaks all of the time too. I call it my Harley ice auger. I think if I had to I could drill fence post holes with it... Mine always seems to have a bit of a drip and the gear case oil seems to leak a little too. I have always just put up with it. Does yours flood out when you tip it away from you? That is how I usually shut mine off... just tip it away from me and it shuts right off. I never have any problems with it starting/running so I have never attempted to fix it. Just make sure you have a plastic sheet to lay it down on.... all is good.

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 Originally Posted By: merganser
Is this the old orange beast with the handlebars? Mine leaks all of the time too. with it... Mine always seems to have a bit of a drip and the gear case oil seems to leak a little too. I have always just put up with it. Does yours flood out when you tip it away from you? I never have any problems with it starting/running so I have never attempted to fix it. Just make sure you have a plastic sheet to lay it down on.... all is good.

Same one a 1970 vintage. No gear case leak and no flooding problem.

Pump the primer six times and it starts on the first pull.

I have not not pulled it in my portable for fear of getting gas/oil on the canvas.

I will have to try the plastic sheet.

<BTW> Cutting the bottom from a 20 once plastic bottle and using it as a carb cover helps quite a bit.

I was hopeing for some kind of perminent fix.

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