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youth tournaments


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does any one know how i can get into some youth tournaments because i am gonna get my license in a couple of weeks and i was gonna try to do a couple of tournaments i have been saving money and i think i have enough skills to get into one so any help or advice would be helpfully



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Was just going to post the same information as bassrap. There is a youth organization in MN, and they have a state tournament and you can then qualify for nationals as well.. there are even different age levels.

I was a volunteer a few years back... (as a boater) and had 2 young anglers in my boat. It was a blast to watch them work for the day. One of the dudes even won his age group from my boat. Kid could plum out fish!

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Hi Zach,

The MFBA (FLW) as bassrap mentioned is one approach. The BFN (BASS) is also another option. You can contact the BFN Youth Director Paul Perovich ([email protected]). He should be able to get you in touch with a BFN youth club in your area.

I would suggest contacting both to see what opportunities you have and then you can see which is the best fit. Both organizations are set up in a manner where you can qualify to move up to the national level, which is a great thing.


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thanks guys i will make sure i shoot them a e-mail

any other information would be helpfull as well!!!

and another question, for youth tournaments do i have to use my own boat or like deitz said do i use volunteers boats or what ?

thanks zach

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Last year was my first year of youth tournies, you can join a club and fish their tournaments and then also fish the BASS and FLW state tournaments also. You use the older members in the clubs boats,

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