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Warning, bar bet question ahead?

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Nowhere in the regulations does it prohibit taking geese by hand. There is a list of prohibited methods but I don't assume the list is all inclusive but if taken literally it seems it would be legal to ring the neck of a goose chasing you if you had the the liscence, hip, stamps and the season was open. Now the only regulation hanging you up would be city ordances prohibitiing dischange of firearm-or do some outlaw hunting in their language or possible harassement laws?

If it is legal to possess a dead goose in town would it not be legal to have one the moment it was dead?

Who has the full story? Hans

I want to make it clear that I am not promoting it, but there are a couple of honkers that have it coming.

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Great question Hans...I've always wondered about that myself and I believe you would be completely legal...until some wacko saw you ringing neck and started sounding the trumpets. If it was a true PETA or HSUS crusader they would try their best to get you for animal cruelty...the cops would probably show up as would the liberal media. You'd probably make the evening news. Anyone with a brain knows that what you are doing is not cruel and the judge (if it got that far) would probably toss the case.

The only thing that could get you would be a city ordinance--if there isn't one against what you are doing I'd say you would be legal. But that isn't to say you wouldn't be giving hunters some bad PR in the process.

By the end of the goose season I have more geese than I want to deal with so personally I'd never have the urge to ring any necks in the city park...although those bands can be pretty tempting at times!

Just my $.02

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I'm not one to make bar bets as ageneral rule, it's usually the booze talking. I have my 20 year sober date next wednesday. The argument was wether or not it was possible and how best to do it. The sober one in the bunch(me) thought it best to check if it were legal first. Hans

ps I've never been tempeted by a band, but had one bite my youngest leaving him crying and with a blood blister. The goose also blocked the only path back to the car. I also like to go primitive when hunting as a way to get back to nature. A little mano a mano with a goose would be pretty primitive.

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I have thought about a golf club being legal while I was on the course. I think you would be okay legally - and if the animal bit your child, you have every right to protect family or yourself.

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 Originally Posted By: hanso612
Nowhere in the regulations does it prohibit taking geese by hand. There is a list of prohibited methods but I don't assume the list is all inclusive but if taken literally it seems it would be legal to ring the neck of a goose chasing you if you had the the liscence, hip, stamps and the season was open. Now the only regulation hanging you up would be city ordances prohibitiing dischange of firearm-or do some outlaw hunting in their language or possible harassement laws?

If it is legal to possess a dead goose in town would it not be legal to have one the moment it was dead?

Who has the full story? Hans

I want to make it clear that I am not promoting it, but there are a couple of honkers that have it coming.


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That guy bite the head off a pet duck in the St. Paul Ramada or something. It's the hotel that hosts Wooley's restaurant. That was property of the hotel and in the presence of many people. I've been in there before, they have a bunch of mallards and mandarin wood ducks. Not exactly apples to apples.

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If you don't want to strangle the geese, I've been told that if you give them the jet puff style marshmallows they won't be able to swallow them and they choke and die. I don'e see anything wrong with that, provided you are have the liscense and it's in season.

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 Originally Posted By: HUNTFISH69
If you don't want to strangle the geese, I've been told that if you give them the jet puff style marshmallows they won't be able to swallow them and they choke and die. I don'e see anything wrong with that, provided you are have the liscense and it's in season.

I think this would be considered baiting.

Also, if you are going to hypothetically be killing geese at a city park you would probably need to make sure there are not people feeding them there.

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 Originally Posted By: HUNTFISH69
If you don't want to strangle the geese, I've been told that if you give them the jet puff style marshmallows they won't be able to swallow them and they choke and die.

lol. Couldn't stop laughing after I read this line. Then I read the next line and nearly hit the floor!!!:

"I believe that would be considered baiting"

You guys are too much! Not sure if it was intended to be funny but I had a good laugh anyway. We should start an FMer's comedy act!

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