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Loose screws


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I dont have a boat but my favorite method of attaching screws in a wet environment is pull the screw out, and place a small dab of silicone caulk in the hole and place the screw back in. It dries similar to rubber cement, is waterproof yet allows for contraction/expansion. I have used this method for showers, gutters, etc.

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I thought about that, but I didnt know how loctite would work on wood... Its amazing metal to metal but have never used for metal to wood- if you go that route let me know how good it works, I have some left and nothing to use it on haha

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I use blue Loc-Tite on anything in my boat that is metal-to-metal, I use silicon caulk for everything else. As mentioned, back the screw or nut out all or most of the way, dab on a little, and run it back in.

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