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CF Moto


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It appears to be another spin-off of other machines on the marktet.

After seeing/hearing/reading about many other machines with the same origin, I would recommend saving yourself the headache and purchase something from AC, Polaris, or Can Am.

The overall service will be better and there will be parts available if you would ever need them.

I'm not ripping on CF Moto. The fit and finish appears to be better than some that I've seen. But without being up close and able to see the workmanship first hand it's hard to say.

Some manufacturers are still very young in the ATV business and have a long way to go to reach the standards and quality set by Arctic Cat, Can Am, Honda, Kawasaki, Polaris, Suzuki, and Yamaha.

After looking at the of the top brands (IMO), it looks like we need to start referring to what used to be the "BIG 4" as the "BIG 7".

I honestly dont have any first hand experience with the "off-shoots" in the industry, but 4wanderingeyes can give you some first hand insight on what to exepct.

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I can give you some detail, from my experience with off brand models. I would say they are built with alot less quality, parts can sometimes be hard to get, and warranty can sometimes be difficult. The main problem is, they are new companies and they switch owners alot, and names of the models, everytime they switch, goodluck getting your warranty coverage.

Plus sides they are cheaper, if you dont plan on beating on it, it may end up dependable. I have sold some of these non name brand, built in China machines, from my experience with them were the big machines did not hold up to any sort of hard riding, cracked frames, trannies, axles, ect... They didnt have very good quality, I stopped selling the bigger ones early on. But I had some good luck with the smaller machine, they were perfect for a young first time learning machine. I had sold a quite a few of them and had very few problems. I personally backed up all the warranties from the smaller machines, parts and labor 6 months, then the customer didnt need to worry about it. Out of a couple hundred machine sold, I had less then 10 warranty tickets, for stupid stuff, like a bolt came loose, to headlight bulbs, ignition switch, and one axle. My sugguestion is to buy a name brand machine! If price is an issue, buy used.

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I bought one in January and mechanically I love the machine but the plastic is something to be desired. They have been around in Europe for a while and Canada. CFMOTO is trying to get into the U.S. market. The one I bought was a 500 single seater. Parts are readily available... so they say, parts warhouse is located in Plymouth, I was leary about buying one, but, for the cost I thought what the heck comaparable machines were two grand more or better. Sorry it took so long to post this response. I wanted to ride the machine longer before sticking my foot in my mouth.

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