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My first posted video on FM.


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Thanks guys.

With Dtro's post's above, it made it pretty simple to throw this together.

KQ is my brother in-law and he grew up in St. Paul and lives out in the Ramsey area. Does not have a brother named Bob.

The cover for the 20lber is from an older grill I had. The 20lber was exposed under grill and that skirt made it easy on the eyes when looking at the grill. I just keep it on during winter use.

I am really getting into this video editing stuff. I wish I had taken more video over the last year, but as Dtro has done in the past, images can be put together in a movie fashion and look great.

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Good start Shack.

If this is something you want to do, you have to start somewhere. I remember the first one I did, and now I have almost 40 videos on YouTube grin.gif

Not only is it now documented for me to look back over the years, they are there for others to enjoy if they like that type of thing.

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