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For those of you who fish the IGL quite often. I am originally from NW Iowa and am heading home over Easter. Is there a good chance you think that there will be alot of good ice still to fish on?

How has the fishing been? Is it slowly picking up towards ice out?


Walleye #1

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Hey Jason,

If this crappy weather doesn't change soon, you'll be DRIVING out over Easter break! We always used to plan on Easter break being a good time for the first open water trip of the year to Chamberlain, but with the combination of a very cold winter and an early Easter, I'm not sure it won't be a good time to throw the shack in and head somewhere for a late ice bite. But yes, you'll have plenty of good ice over the Easter break. HMS has 5 days off, so we're hoping to get one more good ice fishing weekend in before ice out. We've been mostly hitting a local farm pond with good results, but will be up to the IGL next weekend and let you know what we find. Take care.

The old HMS math guy

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Bill what ruler are you using, If that is only 24 inches in Anglers, I have been way off. I say more like 30. But you know how us men can exagerate size..... let my fishing stories be an example... I really think there is close to 30 though. At least where I was on Anglers, and Smiths bay for that fact too.

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I would agree with you Chad that there is at least 30 inches of ice out there. This is probably the first year in a lonnnnnng time that I have had to use most of the auger flighting on my auger. There should be enough ice out there for Easter. I have spring break starting on the 14th and goes until the 25th so hopefully I can get some serious fishing done during that week also.

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There have been spots on the lakes that I have gone over the flighting on my auger. I would say easter should be prime time for crappies it is already beginning. Chad Ill be around somewhere just not early feel free to call me if I dont call you first.

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I like that idea, no early for me either. I am game for an late morning afternoon showdown!!!! I am assuming you talked to spider or someone???

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Yep...he's my assistant SB coach, so we spend a lot of time together. Small world indeed. I see mid to upper 40's in the week's forecast, so I'm hoping the next 2 weeks are prime time. Think I'll try the pond this afternoon for a bit.


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I was there on Friday morning' date=' it was -12 F and there was over 24" of ice on Angler's Bay. quote']

I said OVER 24" of ice and i would agree it is about 30". I havn't seen this much ice since i have moved down here. Its great. We should be ice fishing in April!

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Hey Chad,

I am frustrated again. I just could not get anything on the hook. I did alot of drilling and hole checking with both the showdown and the camera. Tried the showdown again this weekend and so far I like it but I need to find some hungry fish. I tried the slow and small presentation also. I just don't know what I am doing wrong. This morning I started on Angler's bay, then moved to the grade. From there I went to Marble Beach to try the perch bite. Did have a couple of hits but of course did not keep them on.

I just am just getting frustrated with only a couple of fish caught for me this season. Any suggestions?

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Thats pretty cool NWBuck. It is defenitly a small world. Russ is a pretty neat guy. Would you please tell him Hi from me.

Is this pond that you fish a public pond that others could try. I wouldnt mind finding a couple of ponds that I could try out that might be less traveled than the lakes.

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Private pond...belongs to my uncle.

Bopped down this afternoon for a couple of hours just prior to sunset. Brought home 6 jumbo gills...a much more aggressive bite than the last couple of times down there, and excellent size for the fish I kept. Threw several back that a lot of guys would've kept. It should only get better from here on out. Heard of a decent perch bite on Spirit over the weekend, so we plan to give that a shot over the next couple of weeks as well.


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