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Direct TV Question.


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I am about to pull the trigger an getting Direct TV HD. I have a HD TV in the living room and a couple other rooms with regualr TV. Does anyone know if I need a reciever for each room or can I just plug into the coax in the wall? I plan on getting an HD Reciever for the living room but don't want to pay for additional recievers if unneccesary. Thanks.

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You have to get receivers for each room you want Direct TV in. If you only want a standard receiver it's $5/month. What I did is I have DVR in my living room and rec room. Then I have basic cable ($7/month) that I run to the rest of the house. The main reason for this is to have a cable modem it's $60 if you don't have cable or $50 if you do so I save $3 with just that and I don't need boxes for directv. I don't watch that much in the bedroom and my kid only watches DVD's so it works.

Hope that answered your ??'s

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the only other option would be to splice off that receiver and run the coaxial to other tv's, however; the other TV's would be on the same channel as the one with the receiver. We used to do that and when we moved downstairs or to our room just put it on a channel we wanted to watch but, it was a lot more convienent to get the additional receivers...

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The last option would be to get a dual tuner receiver.

Not sure if Direct TV has them, but I know Dish Network has them.

Then you could splice off the same box, but the second tuner.

The catch is, it's the same price (I think) monthly for the dual tuner as it is for 2 receivers.

BUT, just incase you just wanted to feel like "you were putting one over on 'THE MAN'", you could do it this way.

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