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I go to lower left of FM page,click cookies,it opens MY cookies,I click expire cookies,it takes awhile but the same page comes back and all the same cookies are there.The old format when I expired my cookies brought me back to signin cause it also loged me out.

I've been trying for awhile it seems this site is slowing down and before the new format expiring cookies,sped it up.ANY ADVICE?

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You didn't say what browser you are using - it makes a big difference.

I use IE Explorer: Menu > Tools > Internet Options > (under general tab) > Browsing History > Delete > (should come up with separate options) > Delete Cookies

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 Originally Posted By: theoilman
You didn't say what browser you are using - it makes a big difference.

I use IE Explorer: Menu > Tools > Internet Options > (under general tab) > Browsing History > Delete > (should come up with separate options) > Delete Cookies

I can dele. the IE cookies its the FM cookies at bottom left of this page.How to delete them

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 Originally Posted By: 4wanderingeyes
I just tried mine, it expired mine and I needed to resign in.

Thats my problem It's not logging me out,just returns me to my cookies,and the same cookie list.

I know it will install the cookies again,The needed cookies,But FM has slowed down sooo much I probably have lots of stored cookies that are not needed,whick is most likly slowing it down.

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Then try closing IE and going to "control panel" then to "Internet Options" then under the General tab click on "delete cookies" and allow it to delete your cookies. While you are in there I would dump the history and temporary internet files too.

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 Originally Posted By: upnorth
Then try closing IE and going to "control panel" then to "Internet Options" then under the General tab click on "delete cookies" and allow it to delete your cookies. While you are in there I would dump the history and temporary internet files too.

THANKS Upnorth its working,I was deleting history,files & cookies while IE was open.Went to control panel as you said and allswell;But FM is alot slower than a week ago? anything else I can do??

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