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SP, feeders do best in areas where there is cover nearby. Trees and shrubs provide habitat for birds, shelter from the wind, from predators, and so forth, and the farther the feeder is away from that cover the fewer birds you'll get. There are some exceptions, like goldfinches and redpolls.

It can take quite awhile for a feeder to be noticed and become heavily used, especially if it's not in an area with a lot of birds.

Where do you live, and can you describe what type of feeder you have, what kind of habitat it's in and what feed you are using?

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It's good to have a couple feeders out also with different offerings. Black oil sunflowerseeds attract a lot of different birds. Thistle is great for finches. Millet will bring in doves and sparrows. Sometimes just a good blend is all you need. I'd stay away from mices with lots of milo.

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