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Is there a pattern to catch more rainbows?


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I started ice fishing for trout last year. So far I have only gone to Grindstone and have had pretty limited success. I am probably going to try Square yet this year. Is there a seasonal or daily pattern to fishing for them? I mean atleast with Walleyes or panfish I can usually figure out a pattern and find fish but Trout seem to have no rhyme or reason as to where they will be at any given time. Either that or I am just frustrated after another day of going out and catching one fish in the first 10 minutes and not seeing anything the rest of the day.


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Trout in lakes are like every other fish in lakes. They will relate to structure like panfish and walleye and there will be key times of the day to fish for them as well. Weather like cloudy days and storms also play a role in the bite.

The big difference with trout is that many of the lakes they are stocked in are very sterile, so they don't have a wide range of food to pick from. In one lake they may be relating to rocky areas where they find crayfish to eat, in another lake they may relate to sunken timber looking for snails and still in other lakes they maybe looking for minnows which they often cruse weed beds and shore lines while in search of them. I've even seen them push minnows to the surface then dart in to the school. Sometimes this even happens along the shore while they are in only foot or less of water.

A good way to figure out what they are eating is to check the stomachs of any trout you keep.

Stocking also plays a role. Lakes that are stocked every year with a high number of trout often have the best

fishing. Lakes with less trout stocked often have slower fishing.

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