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yes indeed a good HSOforum. Nothing like tying them yourself. i learned a bunch of knots back in my flyfising days. Once you have done them they are engrained in your brain. only use a couple of knots now for bassin though. ike

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I learned a couple knots this winter that seem like they are going to be very awesome in terms of ease and speed of tying. They tie in less than 3 seconds and are supposed to be good on braid, mono, and flouro. One I saw on some show like Midwest Fishing or something and another a walleye guy taught me.

Problem is that neither of them has a name that I know of so I can't tell you what they are. If I had a digital VR I would tie it and post it. Maybe still shots will work but you really lose the ease and simplicity when you can't see how quickly they tie.

Anyone know what that knot is that they cinch down on a spinnerbait at the beginning of Gander Mountain commercials? That looks easy too.

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