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Dough Baits


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I've used Powerbait trout dough with quite a bit of success, but only the original dough. Has anyone tried any of the new ones like Yum trout krilla, Berkley Gulp trout dough, or Eagle Claw Nitro trout dough? Have you found that they work better that the original Powerbait?

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I've only had luck using the berkley baits. I've never had even had a bite on the "crave" baits. I think the whole UV visibility is a farce....

I haven't had a chance to use the gulp baits since I had a stockpile of the regular powerbait. But if they're anything like the orginal or turbo dough, they will be effective.

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I don't know about anyone else, but I had significantly better luck with TurboDough last year than the Gulp dough. And the Gulp dough seemed to have significantly less hookholding power than TurboDough, too.

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