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HSOer kids go fishing

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Jar Jar, Wyldewal and myself got our kids out on a little lake on saturday to do some fishing. The kids had a blast and so did the parents. Here are a few pics


The Gang


ORs boys jig up a nice slab


Fishing buddies


First fish


Wyldewals son on the way to a nice pile

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Great stuff.. And thats what fishing is all about.. Getting new, especially the youngsters, people into the sport of fishing.. You three did a bang up job on that this weekend for sure!! Great job...

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Awsome! I love to see kids having a good ime and catching fish.

I had my son out on Gordon Flowage Sat, not too much luck as far as keepers, but he caught quite a few little ones. Shoot, Dad only managed 4 keeper gills and one keeper crappie.

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Krissa had a great time! she asked when we were going to do it again. Nice pics Ran, we will have to hit that little lake again. Boy was Wally's boy giving lessons on how to pop crappies :D.

I tried your secret weapon for crappies on sunday and got a big zilch. oh well.

Oh, those kids sure have the F.M. fish pose down pat grin.gifgrin.gif

Jar Jar

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