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Buffalo Bay

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Does anyone fish the Buffalo Bay area?

I've read there is some very good fishing for perch, walleyes, and pike in March. My main question was about driving on the ice with a 4 wheel drive pick up...is it possible to get around or are snowmobiles a necessity?

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It's going to vary from year to year. Nobody plows roads on Buffalo so your at the mercy of breakers and drifts. Last year it was tough pulling early March with a pickup but by the end you could get around no problem at all. I've see tons of snow on the lake at the end of March, other years you were lucky to get on with a wheeler. Most of the time, later is better for getting around with a truck.

I don't know when you plan on possibly going up there but if the weather is nice during the day and it freezes hard at night and you have a sled, make sure you have some way to kick up some snow/ice, I've seen alot of overheated sleds out there in those conditions, including mine!

Have you ever been to Gander Mtns site and watched the Buffalo Bay episode?


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Thanks Mike!

We would be going up the 3rd week of March...not this year but next. We don't have an ATV or a sled so we are confined to truck travel.

I haven't seen the episode...how do you view it?

I am trying to decide between Warroad or going up to Buffalo Bay....we are after big pike mainly...but the entincing perch and walleye out of Buffalo are a factor too! If we can't get around with a truck...that pretty much makes the decision for us! lol

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Next year you'll have to check back in and see what's happening, this year, winter isn't letting up much, unless we get a major warm up, I think the 3rd week in March might be tough travelin' too but good thing about spring time is that it can change fast.

If you go to Ganders site, lower right hand corner is their TV Show We Live Outdoors, click on it, then on the next page you will have to go to the archive shows, scroll down and you will see Buffalo Bay Tip Ups.

Theres no doubt that if you can catch it right, Buffalo can serve up some of the best L.O.W has to offer for big Pike and nice Walleye in the spring.


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