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Spring Bobber setup


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I'm new to the forum and have been getting more into hardwater fishing the last couple of years.

Question: I picked up a Frabill spring bobber combo and am looking for input as to the best way to rig and use it? Is it effective for jigging and deadsticking (sunnies, crappies, perch)? Should I rig it with standard panfish jigs/live bait?

Sorry if this is pretty basic, but I'd rather look dumb on here than waste precious time on the ice.

Thanks in advance.

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Welcome to FishingMinnesota.

I jig and deadstick with my spring bobber rods. I use them for vertical and horizontal baits, sometimes minnows, sometimes waxies or euros, sometimes plastics. I think spring bobbers are great, it's not very often that I use floating bobbers any more.

The important thing is to not use a bait that's too heavy for the spring. The weight of the bait can bend the spring down somewhat, but there still needs to be room for the fish to move it to indicate that they're biting. Other than that, pretty much anything goes with how you want to rig and use a spring bobber rod.

Jigging with a spring bobber will change how the bait moves and responds vs. jigging without a spring bobber, watch the bait in your hole or on a camera and you'll see what I mean.

Good luck, I hope this helps.

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OK, thanks for the info Perch and Shack. I know it all boils down to putting the time in to fine tune it, but helps to start out with some things to think about.

If I set it up in a rod rocker when jigging another rod, do I want to have the drag backed off quite a bit? Or pretty snug and keep a close eye on it?

Thanks again.

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I've got the spring bobbers that aren't really a spring, but moreso a thin flat wire with a metal loop/ring on the end. I have it taped to the end of a couple rods and like them because I can vary the length they stick out from the rod. Longer section out from rod has increased sensitivity/bend. Shorter segment is a bit more stout. This way, on the longer spring bobber setup I can use real light tackle and on the rod with the shorter segment I can use my heavier jigs. Not sure if that's the way to go about it, but it works for me.

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 Originally Posted By: PerchJerker
The important thing is to not use a bait that's too heavy for the spring.


Very good point to bring up.

I keep a very light drag setting on either one of my rods, no matter if it is in my hand or deadsticking. Some would say other wise, but if the drag is set to strong/tight, you chances of loosing the fish rise greatly. At least with a very to way to soft of drag setting, it give you a couple seconds of readjust, wheres a strong setting, I loose the fish.

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I agree with you PerchJerker,excellent comment.

Shack,you also make a good point of setting your drag.

Your drag only needs to be stiff enough to set the hook then let is spin all it want.

Lift reel,lift,reeldown.

A stiff rod with a fast tip that you can hold still helps to see the hit as your lifting.


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The whole reason for reeling down is so that if that fish wants to run it can without you reeling against your drag so that you do not add line twist.

The beauty in a light drag is that I've caught many fish where I had just caught some skin instead of getting the hook to drive into bone.

Had I reefed on those fish.....seeeeeya!

Some of these things are what I'd call tweeking your abilities.

These things will make you more successful.

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