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Staying in fish house over night


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I know I really should know the answer to my question, but today is the day fish house's must be off by mid night but can you take you fish house out on the ice and stay over night if you are in your fish house or dose it not matter every night at midnight it has to come off. Thanks for the help

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You have to be kidding me they can stay in there just as long as theres is occupied and we can't, OK I think some one is on crack who ever is coming up with these rules I wonder if they have ever fished a day in there life.

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i know its kind of rediculous. i guess people south of 200 don't know how to stay overnite in a fishhouse?? must have something to do with the bigger resort lakes and their business[leech,winnie,red, lotw] that's all i can come up with. plus it is a later ice out up north. safety thing??

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heeeeeeey watch it gramps.................

my question is if you took your wheelhouse out for a nite bite, south of 200, say 8pm to 5am, what are they gonna do make you drive your house back to shore at 12am then set it back up? or give you a ticket cause your not using a portable?[wheelhouse is considered a permanent i think] what's the diff if you fish all nite or sleep for a few hours? what's the diff if you fish all nite in a portable or a wheelhouse? seems like one of those rules that would be a little tough to enforce. maybe a call to the local co is in order.

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Someone on here brought up the point a few weeks ago that this allows the CO to drive by the lake between midnight & 5am to see if there are any houses out after the deadline. This way they don't have to approach every house to find out if it's occupied or not. Kinda sucks for us but makes sense for them I guess.

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I asked the local CO a couple of years ago about the portable thing at midnight and she told me to just collapse the house ( mine folds back) and I could still sit on the chairs. The definition of a structure is 2 sides and a roof, so if I dropped the canvas back into the sled I could sit and fish or sit and sleep or whatever it was no longer considered a structure. Bill

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This might be a retarded questions too...But can a house be unoccupied during the daytime hours? I want to set up my house for my dad one morning (after 5am but before 6am) before I go to work, so he can go to it as his leisure that morning. He's unable to set it up himself due to health reasons. I would join him later that evening when I'm done with work. But wondering if the rules allow me to have it UNOCCUPIED, for any period of time during the day? Hope that makes sense?

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