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Palm / Blackberry w/ Quicken software



I know there are alot of guys here that run their own business.

Do any of you run either a Palm or Blackberry with Quicken or comparable software??

I'm looking to upgrade my phone, and would like to find someone that's been running a setup like this, to be able to sync receipts and such on the fly, rather than sit down at the end of the year, week, month, whatever.

I know they don't instantly sync, but to enter gas, parts, etc., purchases onto the handset, then when I get home, for them to sync into the proper categories.



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Yes, I know they all work with each other, I'm wondering how useful it is.

If it's streamlined enough to where it would be feasible to put the extra $500 into the purchase of the phone + software. There's other options as well with the phone, so it wouldn't be like I was dumping the whole amount to the phone.

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I have a Palm Treo 700p with Sprint. I use it to about 5% of its total capability, but it is still very useful me and my business. The Palm desktop software by itself is a pretty handy program. It has a calender, tasks, memos, and other features. I can be out of my office and check email and view pdf's and stay in contact about as well as I can actually being in my office. Like I said, I am way under-utilizing all of its potential, but I would buy it again in a minute. I love my phone. In fact I am typing this with it right now!

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It won't cost you $500 to do it. Intuit now offers Quicken online so you don't have to buy the actual program if you don't want to. But im no sure how that would sync without the actual program itself installed on the computer.

The Pocket Quicken will sync with the computer when you hooked it up and it will put it into the correct categories as long as you know what your doing.

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