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a little bit of oil......


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I was watching the Babe Winkleman show the other day. As many of you probably know, his wife Kris, has a segment in which she cooks food that he has caught or shot. Usually involving a well known brand of brats, lot's of cheese, heavy cream or anything else fattening. Anyway, she's making a chex trail mix and says she's going to add "a little oil" to the mix before she bakes it. "A little bit of oil" was 3 CUPS OF VEGETABLE OIL!!!!!!!! \:o Gee, I wonder where Babe got his spare tire the last few years? Don't get me wrong, the recipes sound good and simple but man, I don't know that I want the coronary blockage that will follow. Kind of makes you wonder what the store bought mixes have in them. Actually it says right on the ingredients what is in it. I just don't know what most of those chemicals and numbers are.

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