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Ringtone Site

Down to Earth

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Well, considering how computer illiterate I am I'm sure it was a mistake in picking up a Blackberry Pearl as I needed a new phone to replace the old one I had. Well now I have MP3 capabilities and music ringtone capabilities as well. So, which site do you recommend I go for to get ringtones for my phone? Which has the best as far as selection and customizability? I noticed on iTunes you can more or less edit the song to what you want to have on your phone.



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 Originally Posted By: Down to Earth
Well, considering how computer illiterate I am I'm sure it was a mistake in picking up a Blackberry Pearl as I needed a new phone to replace the old one I had. Well now I have MP3 capabilities and music ringtone capabilities as well. So, which site do you recommend I go for to get ringtones for my phone? Which has the best as far as selection and customizability? I noticed on iTunes you can more or less edit the song to what you want to have on your phone.



Who are you going to use as a service provider?? I know my Verizon I can purchase virtually any song for either a ringtone, or a ringback.

It just downloads right to the phone, no reason to hook it to the computer.

For those that don't know what a ringback is, it's if you were to call someone, instead of hearing the ringing on the line, you hear "Please enjoy the music while the party is reached" and then whatever song the person you're calling has chosen to play, usually about 10-15 seconds worth.

Right now I've got Barney and kids singing "Green grass grows all around, all around, the green grass grows all around".

Gotta get the clients in mood for spring. grin.gif

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