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Memphis vs. Tennessee


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Memphis actually led most of the first half. I actually thought the game was kind of a snoozer for the first 30 minutes. Memphis couldn't rebound or make a free throw, and they couldn;t even get the ball inside.

The last 10 minutes is when the intensity picked up, and it seemed like the refs just began to let the kids play. That was fun to watch!

I have been on the Memphis bandwagon for a couple years now, but after seeing this team's attitude and lack of sportsmanship by several of its players, I'm off. Its only ironic that their inability to do the fundamentals free throws, rebounding, and even communicating when two teammates snare a rebound) cost them the game. I'm glad Tennessee is #1.

The TV showed Tennessee head coach's Bruce Pearl's coaching resume. This guy is one [PoorWordUsage] of a coac! Remember how they almost upset Ohio State last year? Keep an eye out for this guy! I wonder if Indiana is watching . . . .

No way Memphis wins a nation championship when they shoot 58% from the line.

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