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Portable Auto GPS Units



A couple months ago I bought a Garmin Nuvi 200 portable unit for the car. It is a great little unit. I have noticed however that when I drive highways recently re-configured by construction the unit is not accurate and is working from older map info. For the money it is great but I wonder, can this unit be updated or should I have spent more on a different unit? Never gave it a thought when I bought it.

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I have the Nuvi 660 and it came with a USB cable and directions for connecting to Garmin for downloading updated maps which they recommend you do every couple of years. If you got these items in the package you can do it. If not, double check with the Garmin HSOforum and see what they say.

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This comes at an interesting time for me. I bought the 200w exactly two months ago and have pondering returning it or just keeping it. First off this is the easiest out of box basic unit I have ever seen. It is a joy to play with and because it has very few bells and whistles the learning curve is about 5 minutes. The problem though is I have encountered at least 10 different addresses that the unit doesn't know, and this is in my home area. In some cases it tells you to go the wrong way and in others you are being told to keep driving as you watch your destination pass by. I called Garmin Friday (This is my advice for you to do also) and tell them what is going on. Now in my case I have both the latest version of the base map and the detailed map. This is the internal software that is preloaded. In other words mine is as good as it is going to get until another version comes out late this year or early next year. They can tell you if your unit needs an update or not over the phone. If you do this is a very simple process also. And yes the cord you need is cheap. Now as far as the other Nuvi's go. All of them use the same base map and detailed map. If you buy one of the $800 ones you will get just as lost as the 200 will get you if the map is wrong. My Niece lives by Isanti in a newer development and her address and for that matter the whole development is not in there. The development is 10 years old. The Nuvi does a lot of things that are very impressive but it does give you an odd feeling in the belly wondering if it is right when you are in a strange city. In most cases it will lead you around pretty good but every once in a while you may want to lock the doors! Map quest, Magellan, and Garmin use the same mapping company. I think Lowrance may also however I am not positive on it. Anyway Give Garmin a holler and make sure if you are in a strange area you have some idea of where you are headed before hand. Don’t rely 100% on the unit or you may be in for a long night.


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Super easy to update your Nuvi 200 - did the same with mine last week. Check the link: http://www8.garmin.com/products/webupdater/howtoinstall.jsp

I suspect your unit came with a USB cable, but any appropriate USB cable will do. Garmin makes it pretty easy to update, but don't be too disappointed if your maps still aren't perfect.

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I emailed Garmin. They told me that the 200's sold in December are not as up to date as those sold since January. I checked their HSOforum but no updates are available for my unit at this time. Like I said, It did not come with a usb cable and so far I have not found one on their site for the 200.

A few years ago the rural roads in this state were numbered and the old names were eliminated. The NUVI still has the old names. For the most part though..its been a good unit.

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